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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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KAPEX ACADEMY ‘s Learning Experience

Nenita R. Estante


Supervising Science Research Specialist of the Animal Products Development Center

Bureau of Animal Industry- Department of Agriculture, Philippines

Good Day!  I’m Nenita R, Estante, Supervising Science Research Specialist of the Animal Products Development Center of the Bureau of Animal Industry- Department of Agriculture, Philippines.  We are currently conducting a Research Project which is about to end this October 2021, entitled “Establishment of Philippine Pork Carcass Grades Standards Using Yield and Quality Parameters”, a Grant by the Korea Rural Economic Institute. With this project we were given the opportunity to participate in the KAPEX Online Academy, and we deeply appreciated and thankful for having attended it.

The training was conducted last November 16 to December 11, 2020. The training started with the introduction of what Korea Rural Economic Institute is all about, its mandate, programs, functions and activities.  Even though the training was executed on line, some internet connections problems were encountered but then was also solved. The procedures implemented was very good that is, lectures were pre-recorded so that if one had a poor internet connection or was disconnected they can still access the lecture later on and complete it.  The post and pre-quizzes also I believed were of great help to participants having known what they had understood and learned at the end of the session. The online training coordinators were also very accommodating, cooperative and acted at once with the problems that we had encountered once reported. The online academy generally was a success and its platform were well managed all throughout the learning process though since such technology is continuously upgrading and advancing such online training might still be more interesting in the near future.

The online academy is composed of various topics discussed which are very important to a developing country to learn about and emulate from them. Topics discussed were, Action Plan Development, Rural Development Policy of Korea, Korean Agricultural Cooperatives, Smart Agriculture Policy in Korea, Animal Quarantine and Hygiene Management in Korea, Korea Agricultural Mechanization: History, Situation, Agricultural Marketing Policies in Korea: Focused on Fruits and Vegetables, The Development of Water and Farmland in Korea, Agricultural Water Development and Management Policy in Korea, and How to Write a Project Concept Paper for ODA. The said topics were discussed properly and there were also videos that showed the practical applications in the field, like that of Smart Agriculture and Pork Inspection and grading among others. Having seen the video gave me a lot of ideas and learnings on how those activities are done in the field or in the farm.

Though I am not in the Plant Industry I also highly appreciated the topic and video shown in Smart Agriculture. It is very interesting to know that through the developed applications or software they can just monitor and do the inspection of their farms through internet access. Smart farming refers to remotely and automatically controlling the horticulture products, livestock, fruit trees and outdoor crops via ICT technologies. The system sets the growth environment and maintenance software and adjusts the conditions of a greenhouse or a stable temperature and humidity and carbon dioxide level to meet the growing environment.  This is a high-end technology farming and I hope we can also adopt the same technology in our country.

The Field Lecture on Agricultural Product Distribution System and Wholesale Market is a very good system that we must also apply in our country. The distribution system implemented in Garak Market is very nice and a modern trend. The wholesale market implements Listed Auction System where the farmers and fishermen are being protected by entrusting their products to wholesale market corporation for sale to make transparent and fair transaction. The electronic auction system provides fairness and transparency and thus prevents price manipulation. This system is very good since it also increases confidence to wholesale market with real time exposure of auction results. The Garak Wholesale Market System protects the producers and consumers by maintaining fair distribution and price of agro fishery products including fruit, grains and fish and meat among others.

Meat Quarantine, inspection and hygiene of Korea gave us best practices to apply also in our country. Their system is very much well in placed and implemented accordingly and properly. I learned a lot on the video shown on how they conduct Pork Carcass Grading in the slaughter line, which we opt to consider applying and doing in our country. With our current project of establishing standard grades for pork carcass we will eventually be implementing in the near future the Pork Carcass Grading System too in the Philippines. With the ideas that we got from this lecture we can apply it in developing our system of pork carcass grading making use of the standard grades we had developed in our research project.

The lecture on the Development of Action Plan is also of great help to us researchers, we were taught how to conduct GAP Analysis by identifying the problems, the cause of the problems and alternative solutions.  By the end of the training we were able to prepare and submit our proposed action plans.

The KAPEX 2020 online Academy has been a very useful aid to us Researchers and in the implementation of our current project on development of pork carcass grade standards. However, a real time experience in field lecture or actual field site visit would be much interesting and preferred, but since it is pandemic the situation is well understood.

The whole course gave us deep understanding on how improved and modern technologies applied in Agriculture like that of Korea improves the standard of living of low-income farmers and fisherfolks thereby contributing to the country’s growth and economy.

Again, I would like to extend my deep and sincere thanks to the Korea Rural Economic Institute for giving me this opportunity of having attended the KAPEX Online Academy where I learned a lot about Korea’s different Agriculture policies and system. Also, thanks to the Training Coordinators and Resource Speakers.
