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FIAP Forum 

게시물 검색

[Total : 18] 2 / 2 page

Forum materials 목록 - No, Title, Date, Writer, Hit, File 정보 제공
No Title Date Writer Hit File
NO8 Title Date 2015.12.31 Writer CIAP Hit1468 File [in Korean] the 8th FIAP Forum_Current Status of Agricultural Policies and Projects 첨부파일
NO7 Title Date 2015.10.23 Writer 최용욱 Hit1332 File the 7th FIAP Forum_2015 KAPEX Workshop 첨부파일
NO6 Title Date 2015.07.30 Writer CIAP Hit1344 File [in Korean] the 6th FIAP Forum_ Improvement of the ODA Effectiveness  with PPP 첨부파일
NO5 Title Date 2015.04.30 Writer CIAP Hit1478 File [in Korean] the 5th FIAP Forum_Theories and Practices of Result-based ODA Project Management 첨부파일
NO4 Title Date 2014.12.29 Writer CIAP Hit1206 File [in Korean] The 4th FIAP Forum_Mid to Long term Direction of the Post-2015 International Cooperation 첨부파일
NO3 Title Date 2014.09.30 Writer CIAP Hit1183 File [in Korean] the 3rd FIAP Forum_ODA in Agroforestry and Capacity Building of the Women in Developing 첨부파일
NO2 Title Date 2014.07.30 Writer CIAP Hit1142 File [in Korean] the 2nd FIAP Forum_Sharing Trends and Examples of International Society for Sustainable 첨부파일
NO1 Title Date 2014.04.30 Writer CIAP Hit1114 File [in Korean] the 1st FIAP Forum_Action Plan of International Development Project Implementation 첨부파일