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The Second ODA Roundtable Conference for Agricultural Development Cooperation in Asia

The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) on Nov. 5 jointly held the Second Official Development Assistance (ODA) Roundtable Conference for Agricultural Development Cooperation in Asia.

This event, which followed last year’s first conference, aimed to strengthen agricultural cooperation with seven Asian countries: Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines. Particularly, this year participants made country-specific presentations on priorities for agricultural ODA and project proposals, enabling concrete discussions on future projects.

In his welcoming remarks, KREI President Kim Changgil said, “It will be possible to identify agricultural ODA projects with high potential performance through an approach which places top priority on the field of a partner country.”

In country-specific sessions, Laos selected the development of irrigation facilities and infrastructure as a key cooperation area of 2018; Mongolia proposed the improvement of vegetable production infrastructure and cattle registration systems and the establishment of veterinary and quarantine services; Myanmar suggested the development of sanitary and phytosanitary systems and the improvement of community livelihoods through climate smart agriculture application; Vietnam introduced the development of disease-free seed potato production systems and the consolidation of creative linkages among agricultural stakeholders; Indonesia proposed the establishment of a mechanized rice farming complex and the transfer of post-harvest systems and technologies for mango export; Cambodia suggested the improvement of high-value vegetable production and the development of vaccines for cattle and buffalo; the Philippines selected the establishment of a rubber processing plant and pork carcass grade standards.

In the wrap-up discussion, participants discussed effective cooperation plans on the direction of future ODA projects in agriculture based on the partner countries’ expectations regarding Korean agricultural development experiences and agricultural policy outcomes.

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