Major Research Fields by Period
2020 ~ 2025
- Strategies to address population decline and aging
- Food Security and accessibility
- Stabilizing farm management
- New Growth industries, export strategies
- Sustainable environmental resources
- Rural regeneration and spatial development
- International collaboration for agricultural development
2016 ~ 2020
- Sustainable development
- New growth engines for agricultural industries
- Stabilizing farm management, improving farmers' income
- Improving rural communities' capacity
- Revitalizing local areas, enhancing the quality of life in rural regions
- Eensuring a stable supply of safe and high-quality agro-food products
- Adapting to changes in global trade conditions
2011 ~ 2015
- Capability buildup and development of future growth engine for stable growth of agriculture
- Construction of agro-food system for quality of life
- Construction of livable rural society through revitalization
- Coping with changes of internal and external conditions and crisis management enhancement
- Restructuring of agricultural policy enforcement system for policy performance improvement
2006 ~ 2010
- FTA negotiations, climate change & green growth, promotion & development of agro-food industry, elevation of farmers' quality of life, improvement of distribution system, policy visions for agriculture, development & cooperation for world agriculture, discovery and promotion of new engines of growth
2001 ~ 2005
- Trade negotiations on rice, WTO/DDA and FTAs, North Korean and Chinese agriculture, rural policies of local governments, farm income safety, agricultural information, sustainable agriculture, food safety, agricultural exports, rural welfare, regional development
1996 ~ 2000
- Evaluation of agricultural investment measures, agricultural cooperatives reform, the Comprehensive Plan for Rice Industry, direct payment measures, the enhancement of commodity competitiveness, fishery technology development, environment-friendly agriculture, agricultural outlook
1991 ~ 1995
- UR trade negotiations, enhancing competitiveness, structural reform in agriculture and fishery, rural investment policies, farmland policy, agribusiness enterprises
1986 ~ 1990
- Non-farm income, the comprehensive development plan for rural areas, farmland lease, wholesale market construction, farm household debts, rural welfare, development of mountainous areas
1980 ~ 1985
- Food self-sufficiency and grain policy transformation, price measures for agricultural and fishery products, farm labor and mechanization, diversified farming