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The Center for International Agricultural Partnership (CIAP), Korea Rural Economic Institute (President, Chang-gil Kim) has successfully hosted a KAPEX (Korea Agricultural Policy Experience for Food Security) workshop in Mongolia and Lao PDR on April 11, respectively.

The CIAP co-organized a workshop with Administration of Agricultural Khalkh Gol Zone for National Creation and Establishment in Mongolia under the subject of "improving the value chain of livestock industry". The purpose of the workshop is for representatives from government agencies, universities and public sectors to share experiences and information on how to analyze the value chain of livestock and apply technologies to come up with ODA project.

The workshop, based on the inception report from joint research team, discussed the ways to introduce and implement value chain research, data analysis and capacity building– the key factors such as breeding, preventing disease, quarantine, feed, nutrition, slaughter and processing and feasibility study required to implement ODA project beforehand.

About 25 participants include officials from Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Light Industry Mongolian University of Life Science, KOPIA center, Korean experts, Mongolian joint research team and NGOs.

In Lao PDR, the Department of Rural Development and Cooperatives (DRDC) organized the workshop with the subject of “Agricultural Cooperatives Policies in Lao PDR”. This workshop includes sharing experiences on agricultural cooperatives and results of field visits to project sites with 50 participants from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, KOPIA center and Korean NGO.

Dr. Sengpaseuth Rasabandith, the deputy director of DRDC, presented the current issues of agricultural cooperatives in Lao PDR such as lack of sales channel and strategy. And Korean experts introduced Korean cases on agricultural cooperatives and implications, emphasizing on education and training for cooperative leaders.

[News] the 2nd Global ODA Forum for Sustainable Agricultural Development
KREI Signed ROD for KAPEX Program