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KREI Signed ROD for KAPEX Program
Korean Agricultural Policy Experiences Shared with Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia
The Korea Rural Economic Institute’s Center for International Agricultural Partnership (CIAP) visited the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos, and Mongolia’s Khalkhgol Project Group on Feb. 6, 12, and 21 respectively, and signed records of discussion (ROD) for implementing the KAPEX (Korean Agricultural Policy Experiences for Food Security) program.
For the 2018 KAPEX program, the CIAP received project request forms from the three countries, and conducted prior feasibility studies in 2017 based on the requests. Based on the project requests and prior feasibility studies, the following project themes were selected: “Increasing Farm Household Income by Creating Vegetable Complexes” for Cambodia; “Strengthening Market Accessibility by Improving Policies for Agricultural Cooperatives” for Laos; and “Agricultural Capacity Building Through the Improvement of the Livestock Sector’s Value Chain System” for Mongolia.
These projects are expected to contribute to solving the food security issue and strengthening related policy capacities by sharing Korean agricultural policy experiences related to the theme of each country with Cambodia, Laos, and Mongolia. KREI’s CIAP will carry out a theme-related joint survey with each partner country and training programs and workshops in Korea and the partner nations. Also, a visiting program and the KAPEX Academy (a global talent training program) will be operated for hands-on workers and high-level people in charge at relevant institutions in each partner country.
The 2018 KAPEX workshop with Mongolia and Lao PDR
The 2nd Global ODA Forum for Sustainable Agricultural Development