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The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) held the 3rd KREI Agricultural Policy Forum on September 11 at the National Assembly Member's Hall. 

The forum was organized to discuss ways to establish income and management safety nets for farmers that are suitable for South Korea's agricultural conditions. 

The event was hosted by members of the National Assembly's Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, and Fisheries Committee of the People Power Party, with KREI serving as the organizer. 

The forum included presentations by KREI Research Fellow Kim Tae-hoo and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs' Director of Agricultural Policy, Yoon Won-seup, followed by a comprehensive discussion among related experts.

KREI and Nonghyup Economic Holdings Sign Mou for 'Breakfast Eating Campaign'
Joint Conference Hosted by Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) and Korea-America Economic Association (KAEA)