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The Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) on April 17 (Mon.) had the inauguration of Han Doobong as its 16th president in KREI’s main conference room.

President Han said at his inaugural ceremony, “I feel great responsibility taking office as KREI’s president in the current situation where agriculture is facing difficulties at home and abroad,” and emphasized, “Innovation is needed to protect food security and develop Korean agriculture into a future growth industry, and KREI should lead the innovation as Korea’s best agricultural policy think tank.”

He also said, “Let’s present right agricultural policy alternatives through future-oriented research, joint studies with world-class scholars, and field-centered research.”

President Han concluded his inaugural address saying, “Let’s conduct research that supports national policy tasks, playing a leading role in responding to changes in the global agricultural policy environment for consumers and farmers who are the end users of agricultural policy research.”

KREI Learning Workshop Held on 17th
Professor Han Doobong Appointed KREI’s 16th President