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Journal of Rural Development

Analysis of the Impact of Disaster Support Payments on Household Beef Purchases: Focusing on the Effects by Income Groups

2024.03.20 4135
  • Author
    Jeon, Mugyeong
  • Publication Date
  • Original

This study analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in December 2019 and the first round of disaster support payments on beef purchases by income group. Consumer panel survey data from the Rural Development Administration from 2017 to 2020 was used for the analysis, and the Tobit model was applied. The main analysis results showed that the COVID-19 and disaster support payments increased the amount of beef purchased within households, and in particular, after the disaster support payments were paid, households in the fifth income quintile purchased significantly more beef than households in the lower income quintile. Among household characteristic variables, an increase in the number of household members, higher income quintile, higher age range of the household head, the household head being a full-time housewife, and the presence of underage in the household were found to increase beef purchases.

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