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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Policy Suggestions for Fostering the Pet Food Industry as a New Growth Engine of the Agro-Food Industry (English Summary Report)

2024.10.14 3256

Purpose of Research
○ As the number of people raising pets increases, the pet food market is growing steadily. Despite the global economy entering a low-growth phase following the COVID-19 pandemic, the global pet food market is expected to continue to grow. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) has recently reaffirmed the importance of the pet food industry as a new growth engine for the national economy and agro-food industry and seeks to strengthen policies to foster the pet food industry. This study aimed to derive tasks to foster the pet food industry so that it can become a new growth engine for the agricultural and food industries.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

Agricultural and Food Safety Management in Response to Changes in the Post COVID-19 Food Market (English Summary Report)
A Study on Enhancing Utilization of Rules of Origin in Korea’s FTAs: A Focus on the Agri-Food Exporters (English Summary Report)