Research Reports
Ways to Promote the AgTech Sector

AuthorKim, Yonglyoul
Publication Date2022.03.30
Background and Purpose
○This study aims to identify ways to promote AgTech for agricultural sustainability and smart technologies. For this goal, it first inspects global and domestic AgTech businesses. Second, it analyzes Korea’s AgTech innovation levels, and lastly, it selects ways to promote the industry.
Research Methodology
○This study focuses on agricultural back-end businesses, such as green biotechnology, hardware, and software businesses, which enable smart farming by using AgTech—the convergence of agriculture and technology.
○To research ways to promote AgTech, we reviewed prior literature on various related backgrounds, industrial structure, and policy suggestions and analyzed regulations and policy cases from Korean and foreign government agencies, including Korea‘s Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA). We referred to domestic and overseas statistical data and market reports for the state of AgTech businesses. We set benchmarks to predict industrial sizes at home and abroad based on figures in key statistics and market reports. To calculate the average annual growth rate of the reference point and the expected industrial size, we used the weighted average based on the growth suggested by farmers and experts. In addition, we listened to policymakers, researchers, scholars, and farmers to collect opinions on the levels of the AgTech sector, acceptability analysis, promotion plans. We visited AgTech businesses for surveys and case studies to gather their assessments and identify improvement tasks. We looked at AgTech policies and regulations of the U.S. and Japan and requested external experts to write manuscripts for our research.
(For more information, please refer to the report.)
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