Research Reports
A Study on Establishing a Long-term Roadmap for Agricultural Integration on the Korean Peninsula (Year 2 of 5)

AuthorChoi, Yongho
Publication Date2022.03.03
Background and Purpose
○On the premise of forming new inter-Korean relations, the agricultural sector, which will play an important role in preparation for inter-Korean economic integration, needs to prepare an integration plan preemptively. Since the agricultural sector is directly related to people's livelihood, which is far from the political issues and solving the food shortage problem for North Koreans is a very urgent issue, it is expected to play a role in opening up cooperation in the strained inter-Korean relations. Therefore, based on the scenario of inter-Korean economic and agricultural integration established in the first-year study, this second-year study intends to derive the tasks for inter-Korean agricultural cooperation in the current stage of maintaining sanctions against North Korea, and to suggest an action plan.
Research Methodology
○This study used the following methods to achieve the research purpose. First, to improve the quality of the report, we conducted cooperative research with experts with long research experience on inter-Korean cooperation. Second, we conducted literature reviews on previous research papers at home and abroad. Third, we received research advice from policymakers, experts from related institutions, and those with experience in inter-Korean agricultural cooperation. Fourth, we conducted keyword network analysis using text mining techniques to derive the demand for inter-Korean agricultural cooperation. Fifth, we surveyed experts to set the direction and task of inter-Korean agricultural cooperation. Finally, we performed statistical analysis on the status of North and South Koreas’ agriculture in each sub-field and regression analysis on the productivity determinants of food crops in North Korea to empirically identify the problem of low agricultural productivity in North Korea.
(For more information, please refer to the report.)
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