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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Study on Strategies for Promoting Korean Agri-Food Exports in the Digital Trade Era

2022.03.02 39578
  • Author
    Lee, Douyoung
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background and Purpose
○ With the development of digital technology, the digitalization of the economy is progressing around the world. In addition, COVID-19, which occurred in 2019 and has been affecting the world, is expanding non-face-to-face transactions between people, increasing the use of digital technology and accelerating digital transformation.

○ The digitalization of the agricultural sector is rapidly progressing, mainly in major developed countries. South Korea is also actively promoting smart agriculture with the goal of securing a growth engine through the digitalization of agriculture. The digitalization of agriculture is expected to increase the use of digital technology in agricultural food exports and expand digital trade. Therefore, it is necessary to set an effective response direction for the expansion of agri-food exports in the digital trade era.

○ This study analyzes trade rules and issues related to the digital trade of agri-food in the digital trade era. It presents the current status and prospects of domestic and foreign digital trade. It also aims to suggest directions for promoting agri-food exports by preemptively investigating and analyzing the current situation and difficulties in using digital technology by businesses related to agri-food exports.

Research Methodology
○ We analyzed previous literature and related data to establish the background and purpose of this study, and reviewed the treaties and associated data shown in the WTO, the FTA, and negotiations between countries in order to identify trade rules related to digital trade, and consignment studies were used. In order to understand the current status and prospects of digital trade, data from the Korea Customs Service, Statistics Korea, and domestic and foreign reports were reviewed. In addition, data from domestic and foreign government ministries and related reports also were analyzed to understand the agri-food digital trade support policy. In order to analyze the potential and actual use of digital technology in agri-food trade, we reviewed domestic and foreign technology data. And we interviewed and surveyed agri-food exporters, commissioned manuscripts, composed an expert council, and conducted quantitative analysis. Finally, response directions and tasks were derived through expert advisory meetings and research team meetings based on the analysis results.

○ Collaborative researches were conducted to reflect the opinions of related experts on digital trade rules and the actual conditions of companies using digital technology. In chapter 2, the manuscripts commissioned by Dr. Lee Jukwan and Researcher Kang Min Ji of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy were used in the discussion of digital trade and trade rules. And in chapter 4, analysis of the possibility of using digital technology in agricultural food trade and analysis of its use, we entrusted the case analysis of digital technology use by agri-food exporters to Lee Kwangheon, CEO of K-CREW.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

A Study on Establishing a Long-term Roadmap for Agricultural Integration on the Korean Peninsula (Year 2 of 5)
A Study on Vitalizing Green Economy in the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors (Year 1 of 3)