Research Reports
Environmental impact of livestock industry: Analysis and Policy tasks

AuthorJeong, Minkook
Publication Date2022.03.02
Background and Purpose
○Livestock farming has consistently grown by increasing productivity and saving costs. However, problems it causes, such as water contamination, nasty smell, and greenhouse gas emissions, have limited its growth and triggered social conflicts. To make sustainable growth, it needs to enhance competitiveness and shift to an industry in harmony with the environment. This study aims to identify policy tasks for livestock framing’s sustainable growth in balance with the environment by analyzing its impacts and looking comprehensively into the national and foreign states of livestock environment policies.
Research Methodology
○This study uses the Ministry of Environment‘s environmental statistics and reports to understand related issues and regulations. It looks at regulations, such as the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta. This research surveys livestock farmers and the general public to inspect stakeholders’ awareness of environmental issues and regulations. It also draws up livestock-the environment linkage tables and conducts related analyses to check livestock farming’s impacts. Moreover, this research implements a life-cycle assessment (LCA), to examine the impacts of changes in breeding management and productivity improvement.
○Finally, this study tries to identify sustainable development directions and policy tasks by gathering opinions through various meetings, such as the discussion co-hosted by KREI and the Presidential Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Policy, the seminar between KREI and the Livestock Science Academy of the Rural Development Administration, and the internal session for achievement review.
(For more information, please refer to the report.)
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