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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Country Partnership Strategy in Agriculture and Forestry Sector with Uganda

2021.03.15 52946
  • Author
    Lee, Hyojung
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background and Purpose
○ The agricultural value chain is connected across rural areas and cities, developed and developing countries, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 vividly shows the problems caused by the collapse of the global value chain. Some countries have restricted food exports, so countries that lack food self-sufficiency face a food security crisis. The African region is the most difficult region to achieve the goals for the inclusive development pursued by the SDGs, such as the problem of refugees persisting due to climate change and conflict, and food security problems due to the weak value chain structure. In addition, in the agricultural sector, SDG 2 aims to secure food security and improve nutrition, sustainable agriculture, SDG 15 to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, prevent desertification, soil loss and biodiversity. It is directly related to “loss prevention.”

○ This study aims to identify the problems of Uganda's agricultural value chain at each stage, contribute to inclusive national development to achieve SDGs, and establish strategies to efficiently and effectively execute Korea's ODA budget.
- Diagnose the current state of agriculture and problems in Uganda and review domestic and foreign efforts to solve them. After that, we intend to set the direction of support based on our experience and technical strengths. Diagnosing the current situation and problems is the most necessary in resolving the “lack of support strategies appropriate to the situation by country and field” repeatedly pointed out in the process of implementing ODA in Korea.

Research Methodology
○ First of all, this study reviews policy suitability through the analysis of Uganda's national development policy, its agricultural sector development strategy, and Korea's development cooperation strategy. Second, it analyzes the current status and strategy of the international community's support for Uganda. Third, it analyzes the current status and problems of Uganda's agricultural value chain at each stage and finds intersections with areas where Korea has a comparative advantage. It aims to establish a sector cooperation strategy.

○Basic statistics from the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), as well as domestic statistics provided by Korea's Office of State Affairs Coordination, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Export-Import Bank were used. Interviews were conducted with 36 experts with experience (10 in Korea and 26 in Uganda), and the importance of each value chain was analyzed through AHP analysis. In addition, together with the GGGI, the current status and problems of the agricultural value chain in Uganda were examined, focusing on specific crops (rice, coffee).

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

Annual Report 2020
Country Partnership Strategy in Agriculture and Forestry Sector with Rwanda