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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Food Policies for the Inclusive Growth and Sustainability (Year 1 of 3)

2021.02.26 53370
  • Author
    Kim, Sanghyo
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background and Purpose
There are high needs of review and application in the areas of food policy and industry for the following problems: ① high proportion of small businesses in the food industry, ② low operating margins and bargaining power of small businesses, ③ high level of food insecurity for the economically disadvantaged, and ④ high rate of business conversion or closure in the food service industry, and ⑤ the concept of inclusive growth compared to other industries in terms of high linkage with agriculture. The spread of inequality or gap in the food industry may hinder the inclusive growth of the food industry; it is necessary to examine productivity and management issues by size and various gaps in the food industry from the perspective of inclusive growth to drive inclusive growth.

The food industry should pursue ‘sustainability’ in various aspects―our society, the economy, the environment, and the health of consumers, and food policies should support it in a future-oriented manner. Specifically, the food industry needs to establish a sustainable production/service system to provide safe food at a stable price to consumers, and food consumption and diet-related food policies need to be designed and implemented to contribute to the sustainability of the environment/social as well as consumer health and nutrition. Nowadays, sustainability is one of the main agendas in politics; food policy should also pursue it.

The purpose of this study was to derive ‘food policies oriented toward inclusive growth and sustainability’. In deriving policies, the study intends to ① lead the healthy growth of the food industry, ② contribute to the establishment of a virtuous cycle for inclusive growth throughout society, ③ contribute to guaranteeing the basic right of food for economically vulnerable food consumers, ④ strengthen social responsibility of the food industry, ⑤ pursue values such as establishing a sustainable business environment for the food industry.

Research Methodology
This study conducted literature research, big data analysis for the derivation of topics, interviews and advisory meetings with policy managers to identify actual conditions or problems by topic, focus group interviews, surveys targeting experts, food manufacturers, consumers, and university students majoring food-related studies.

The study covered a wide range of topics and conducted collaborative research with subject-specific experts. The third chapter was conducted with Dr. Jung Soo-jung of Korea Small Business Institute, while the sixth chapter was conducted with Lee Ju-ryang of the Science and Technology Policy Institute, Dr. Lim So-young of Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, and Dr. Kim Ji-hyun of the Science and Technology Policy Institute.

Key Research Results
Background of Inclusive Growth and Sustainability Discussion and Major Issues in Food Manufacturing Industry

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

Researchers: Kim Sanghyo, Lee Gyeim, Hong Yeona, Moon Donghyun, Heo Seongyoon, Lee Wookjik, Shin Seongyong
Research period: 2020. 1. ~ 2020. 12.
E-mail address: skim@krei.re.kr

Ways to Spread Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Outcomes for the Growth of the Agricultural Sector (Year 2 of 2)
Structural Transformation in Korean Agriculture: Changes and Challenges (Year 2 of 2)