Research Reports
Efficient Farmland Resource Management Considering Environmental Services

AuthorLim, Youngah
Publication Date2020.03.04
Research Background
Recently, the agricultural administration has emerged a need for a paradigm shift in the agricultural vision, as shown in the 2018 Agricultural Reform T/F. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs also plans to develop agricultural policies that focus on enhancing the public good functions of agriculture and managing the agricultural environment, including the reform of Direct Payment Reform, Safety of Agricultural Production and Environment Management.
The purpose of this study was to suggest ways to improve farmland resource management policies to provide desirable 'environmental services' in line with these flows.
Research Methodology
'Environmental Services' to be addressed in this study can be defined as the intersection of the provision of public good functions and ecosystem services among the pluralistic functions (external effects) of agriculture.
In order to analyze the causal relationship between environmental services and farmland resource management, DAPSI(W)R(M) (Drivers, Activities, Pressure, State of the environment, Impact on the environment and human well-being, Response by measures) and the concept of bio-economic model and agricultural-environmental indicators reflecting these causal relationships was presented.
In terms of food security, quantitative farmland management has been mainly used. Also, as the food self-sufficiency and the size of arable land have a positive correlation, that quantitative management of farmland is essential.
Domestic environmental pressures related to farmland use have changed as follows:
- Pesticide safety management and use reduction management have been carried out, and the use of pesticides has been reduced over the long term. However, pesticide use is still high compared to the OECD average.
- The use of chemical fertilizers per area of fertilizers has been decreasing for a long time, but the decrease has recently eased. Total sales of organic fertilizers declined but government support increased.
- The heads of domestic beef increased steadily, and cows decreased slightly. Pigs and chickens also increased in the long term with total manure production increased.
- Agricultural ammonia emissions account for about 79% of domestic ammonia emissions. In 2015, emissions from the average cattle and pigs increased by 125.03% and 71.55%, respectively, compared to 2001.
- As for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agriculture, emissions from intestinal fermentation and livestock manure treatment are on the rise due to increased the number of livestock. On the other hand, a decrease in paddy area is associated with a decrease in methane emissions from agricultural lands. However, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, which is calculated by dividing absolute emissions by the regional gross domestic product, may differ by the municipality, so it is necessary to pay attention to the interpretation of the indicators.
The domestic environmental conditions related to farmland use are as follows:
- Korea has a very high level of nutrient surplus based on the OECD nutrient balance.
- The high useful phosphorus in rice fields and fields suggests the problem of salt accumulation, and the density of field soil is high in physical properties, so management for upland is necessary.
- In the case of soil erosion, it is affected by domestic topography with a lot of slopes, and wind eating occurs mainly. Upland soil loss problem is relatively severe.
Appropriate responses to agricultural activities, environmental pressures. and environmental conditions help to make efficient use of farmland resources. However, changes in the farmland system, centered on the Farmland Act, can be summarized by establishing ownership based on the Land to the Tillers Principle, regulating the quantitative conservation of farmland size, securing productive farmland, and designating a promotion area focused on improving agricultural productivity.
Looking at the budget structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in 2019, the qualitative management of farmland use is minimal.
The farmland use system considering environmental services can be accessed in terms of quantitative and qualitative management of farmland. It can establish the direction of the use of decoupled support measures with cross-compliance and agricultural environment payment policies.
- Quantitative management of farmland secures the area that can be used as farmland during intensive farming and food security crises through the transition of marginal land to fallow land and proper management of converted fallow land.
- In the Farmland Law, the productivity of farmland should be extended to value-related productivity. Improvement and conservation of soil and establishment of agricultural, environmental protection zone were suggested.
-Qualitative management of farmland use can be classified into cross-compliance and agricultural environment payment policy based on the reference level.
- Since the domestic agricultural policy is mostly produced by coupled support policies, it will be necessary to switch the agricultural policy from coupling to decoupling. Cross-compliance and agricultural environmental payment policies can enhance the supply of environmental services complementary to decoupled policies.
Qualitative causality of DAPSI(W)R(M) needs to be transformed into quantitative causality through models such as bio-economics or agricultural environment indicators. This quantification can be used as a basis for analyzing the factors of farmers' acceptance of countermeasures and for measuring changes in farmers' acceptance, income, and welfare effects for scenarios. However, there are still limitations in the available statistics and indicators in Korea, which is necessary for continuous R & D and interdisciplinary research in the future.
Researchers: Lim Youngah, Choe Jinyong
Research Period: 2019. 1. ∼ 2019. 10.
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