Research Reports
A Study on the Response Strategies of Agriculture and Rural Areas in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Year 2 of 2)

AuthorKim, Yeanjung
Publication Date2020.02.18
Research Background
Both urban and rural people mention hardship in living conditions when they look at rural communities. The government has established many policies to relieve difficulties in rural living.
Korea has in place the Five-year Plan for Balanced National Development(2018~2022), Article 10 (Development of Local Agriculture and Welfare Promotion for Rural Residents) of the Framework Act on Agriculture, Rural Community, and Food Industry, Article 2 of the Special Act on Life Quality Improvement for Farmers and Fishermen and the Development of Rural and Fishing Areas, the Plan for Innovative Growth in the 4th Industrial Revolution prepared by the Presidential Committee for the 4th Industrial Revolution, and 100 policy tasks for regional innovation and 4th industrial revolution published in 2018 by the National Information Society Agency (20 core tasks and 80 general tasks). However, all of these are limited to agriculture and fail to apply the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution to improve rural living conditions.
Research Methodology
Overseas and domestic policy materials on agricultural future and other related literature were collected and analyzed for this study. Also, preceding research on rural living conditions and the 4th industrial revolution were reviewed. Further, examples of the application of 4th industrial revolution technologies collected and analyzed.
Through a survey of 308 rural residents, essential issues for each of the living conditions were identified. Further, their satisfaction levels and the need to introduce 4th industrial revolution technologies for the improvement of rural living were inspected and analyzed.
Also, a survey targeting 500 urban residents was carried out for the examination of their views on the improvement of the rural living environment or desirable directions for better living.
A survey of experts was conducted targeting 45 experts in the first session and ten experts in the 2nd session (focus group interviews). Through the interviews, significant issues were identified for each of the rural living conditions. Also, technologies of the 4th industrial revolution applicable to the improvement of rural living were examined.
We produced a video clip to show the desirable conditions of rural living. It contained interviews of people telling the issues of rural communities and the need to resolve those issues. Also, the video showed the feasibility of applying the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution and policy directions for the application.
To look at other countries’ endeavors and policies for the improvement of rural conditions, we visited the European Network for Rural Development and China’s smart villages. We examined related literature to review Japan’s state. Also, we identified policy directions and core tasks for smart rural communities through joint research with the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI).
1) Areas for improvement
Urban people saw the elderly living alone and the care for the elderly as a problem for improvement in terms of rural welfare. Also, they pointed out recreational programs and aid for the physically disabled. Regarding medical services, issues to be improved included medical emergencies, access to medical facilities, such as drug stores and public health centers, and chronic senile disorders. Regarding education, child education, after-school education, and life-long learning for adults were considered as issues to be resolved. Public transportation and students’ commute to school are essential issues concerning transportation, while home air-conditioning/ heating and street lights are problems for energy. Water and sewage, wastes, rundown houses, the purchase of daily necessities, public bath facilities, and hair salons are also issues to be solved for living convenience. Crime problems, traffic incidents, incidents at work, weather damages from hot waves, floods and snowstorms, and fire outbreak are significant issues for safety in rural communities.
2) Directions for improvement
For recreational improvement, the development of precise hardware such as VR/ AR will be useful. It can provide recreational programs, various information, and online shopping. And VR/ AR contents can be produced through IoT, big data, clouding, and AI.
For the education area, the MOOC platform currently used for colleges is applicable to elementary to high school education. Also, it is necessary to expand the platform nationwide. Giving out the platform’s IDs to rural students for free access is required to increase their opportunity for distance learning.
Automated driving, shared transportation, and on-demand services will improve rural transportation through IoT linkage. Also, the development of AI to analyze motorized traffic and the operation of Smart City’s automobile- related infrastructure in smart villages will be ways to improve convenience in transportation.
Regarding energy, smart grids using the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as IoT and AI, will help rural communities to use power efficiently and save costs. Also, it is necessary to develop a device to control electricity in each household and an application for electricity users.
For medical services, collection and analysis of individuals’ information through IoT- connected wearable devices and sporting equipment will make it possible to provide customized services. Although this development needs to be in place, the government has to seek measures to resolve issues for the protection of personal information, conflicts among different medical service providers, regulations on responsibilities, etc.
Aging population and the elderly living alone are critical issues for welfare. Robots for caring for the elderly and underprivileged or for communication for emotional stability should be available for rural communities.
Safety issues are composed of two categories: one in daily living and the other at the workplace. Technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as IoT, big data, clouding, and AI, are applicable to improve safety in rural communities. Also, it is necessary to develop a platform for information delivery for spreading information to the right place at the right time. Further, an application for customized services should be developed.
Big data- and AI-based forecasting and warning systems suitable for regional characteristics should be in place. To use technologies of the 4th industrial revolution for better living in rural communities, the government should strive for technological development and distribution, the setup of infrastructures for the linkage between urban and rural areas, and the setup of a control tower to supervise all such endeavors. Also, there should be legal and regulatory measures to make the efforts proceed smoothly.
The Ministry of Health & Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, and Ministry of Economy & Finance should play critical roles in improving the living conditions of smart rural villages through inter-ministerial efforts. To execute related projects, the ministries of the central government and local autonomous bodies should cooperate closely. Also, legal measures should be in place for the private sector’s investment.
3) Plans for rural communities in the era of 4th industrial revolution
Korean rural areas need plans to make them a better place to live. Firstly, a strategy to expand smart rural areas should be in place. As a specific plan, corporations in the private sector need to invest in building infrastructures, in which developed technologies should be delivered to end-users. Also, there should be measures for technologies developed through external and private investments to converge smoothly. Furthermore, platforms to manage and integrate regional information should be in place. When data from different areas are well united, Korean rural areas will get smarter. For this goal, it is necessary to build a ‘platform for smart rural community management.’ Also, it is urgent to develop and spread applications through which rural residents, the practical users of smart technologies, will be able to adapt to those skills easily and quickly.
Secondly, a practical plan to expand smart rural areas should be in place down the road. Above all, it is necessary to provide financial aids for necessary equipment installation and operation. Facilities should be constructed in consideration of regional characteristics and requests. Residents and local autonomous bodies should be confident in realizing smart rural areas when they have access to smart technologies. For their success, there should be in-depth discussions on the state of physical and human resources, infrastructures, essential issues to be considered, leadership, residents’ participation, sustainability, linkage to neighboring smart cities, etc.
Thirdly, a strategy for smart infrastructures should be set up. To realize smart communities, Korea needs a law on smart rural areas. Currently, the Act on Smart City is in place and serves as guidelines for policies to build smart cities. In this context, it is necessary to establish an act on smart rural areas as guidelines for efficient formation and operation of smart rural villages. Based on this framework, Korean rural regions will be able to strengthen competitiveness and pursue sustainable growth. Through these endeavors, Korea will be able to realize the balanced development of the nation and enhance national competitiveness. Efficient data collection and analysis are required to make rural areas smarter, and while doing so, personal information should be thoroughly protected. It is essential to upgrade regulations for outcomes generated by AI or related personal information. The development of blockchain technology will be the right choice for rural villages’ transformation. Also, as information networks are the base for the 4th industrial revolution, broadband communication networks, including mobile and 5G, should be expanded.
Fourthly, Korea needs a plan for a governance system to expand smart rural villages. In other words, to achieve the transformation of rural regions, there should be a cooperative system among stakeholders. Related organizations should pursue technology exchange and collaborative networking, and strive to attract the private sector’s investment. Considering the nature of smart farming village, cooperation and support among various organizations are essential, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport, Ministry of the Interior & Safety, Ministry of Science & ICT, Rural Development Administration, local autonomous governments, government-funded research institutes, etc. The control tower and working groups for the smart village should be in operation consistently. Also, experts from a wide range of areas such as welfare, medical services, transportation, energy, and safety should work together to transform the agrarian landscape. Inter-ministerial efforts are essential, notably among the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport, Ministry of the Interior & Safety, and Ministry of Health & Welfare. Furthermore, a smart rural village needs to be linked to a smart city. While cities have sufficient infrastructures to apply intelligent technologies, rural regions will face limitations to use technologies due to insufficient frameworks. Therefore, the linkage between a smart city and a smart rural village is essential.
When all the conditions mentioned above are satisfied, rural regions will achieve a transformation to become better and happier communities. The change can start with a quick and practical introduction of the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, which can maximize the merits of rural villages while complementing their demerits. Korea needs to make a better choice to achieve the goal of transforming the rural area down the road.
Researchers: Kim Yeanjung, Suh Daeseok, Park Jiyun, Cheu Sungmin
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 12.
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- Improving Measures of the Agricultural Policy Implementation System for Regional Decentralization(Year 2 of 3)
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- Rural Prospects and Planning Strategies on Rural Development (Year 3 of 3)