Research Reports
The Fulfillment of the Livestock Industry’s Social Responsibility and Policy Issues (Year 1 of 2)

AuthorWoo, Byungjoon
Publication Date2019.02.14
Background & Purpose of Research
The role that society requires of the livestock industry is becoming more complex and diverse than in the past. But different stakeholders' positions around the industry vary and social dialogue is not enough. Therefore, the livestock industry must accurately recognize and respond to the needs of society for sustainable development. To this end, it is necessary to figure out what is the social responsibility of the livestock industry and to organize the policies for carrying out the responsibilities.
Method of Research
This study reviewed past researches to summarize how Korea's livestock policy and related laws have changed in response to changes in internal and external environments of the industry. A survey and IPA were conducted on consumers and producers to analyze the awareness and behavior of the livestock industry's social responsibility. In addition, the study conducted a consumer analysis using a pro-social utility function to examine whether environmental conservation and animal welfare are significant buying factors.
Research Results and Implications
This study categorized the social responsibility of the livestock industry into four categories: civil responsibility, economic responsibility, ecological and environmental responsibility, and ethical responsibility. And the study summarized the policy tasks required to fulfill social responsibility.
This study defined the role of the livestock industry as "production and supply of safe livestock products by using a way that the people can accept," and thus defined the social responsibility of the industry as "to faithfully fulfill the social needs." In the role of the livestock industry, "an acceptable way" is defined as "the legal production process of livestock products with no negative externality, and further requiring the implementation of ethical acts such as animal welfare."
According to a survey of producers and consumers on social responsibility of the livestock industry, a difference in awareness between the two groups was confirmed. On strengthening social responsibility of the livestock industry, consumers put emphasis on toughening legal punishment when it comes to detecting illegal acts, while producers put the most importance on strengthening government policy support to root out livestock diseases and prevent environmental pollution. In relation to the fulfillment of the social responsibilities of the livestock industry, consumers value the awareness of the reality and voluntary improvement of the livestock industry, while producers believe that greater government policy support is the most important.
The consumer survey has shown that consumers have very low awareness of organic and animal welfare products. However, consumers with experience in purchasing certified products were clearly aware of the importance of the products and were willing to pay additional amounts. Nearly half of the producers in the survey are considering whether to participate in organic livestock or animal welfare certification programs, but are not easily involved due to rising managing costs and concerns about income.
Researchers: Woo Byungjoon, Kim Hyunjoong, Park Sungjin and Seo Gangcheol
Research period: 2018. 1. ~ 2018. 12.
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