Research Reports
A Study on the Response Strategies of Agriculture and Rural Areas in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Year 1 of 2)

AuthorKim, Yeanjung
Publication Date2019.02.14
Research Background
The Fourth Industrial Revolution emerged at the same time as the beginning of the 21st century, based on the digital revolution. The key theme of the 46th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (January 1, 2016) was “Understanding the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the Fourth Industrial Revolution was suggested as a measure to overcome the global crisis.
Korea also announced the “the People-centered 4th Industrial Revolution Response Plan for Innovative Growth” (November 30, 2017) in order to achieve both “industrial innovation” and “social problem solving”. In cooperation with the ministries of the government, the 4th Industrial Revolution Committee suggests solutions for industrial innovation and social problems.
The agriculture sector is trying to solve the problems such as labor shortage, instability of supply and demand, livestock diseases and food safety. In order to overcome these problems, it is necessary to develop and apply 4th industrial revolution technology in forms of H/W (autonomous farming machine, robot, drone) and S/W (environmental control, pest inspections, agricultural product trading platform, image information).
Research Method
The research method includes collecting and analyzing literature, policy data, preliminary research, and forecast reports for the future to find out future issues of Korean agriculture.
We surveyed 52 experts about the importance of future issues related to the fourth industrial revolution (IoT, AI, robotics, big data, food, R & D, policy) and the feasibility of applying technology. And IPA analysis was also conducted.
The consumer survey was conducted to analyze the purchasing patterns of consumers, the perception of smart shops, the usage of websites, and the willing-to-use future S/W (web, application, etc.).
Through the business trips to Japan, China, and the Netherlands, we grasped the actual state of operation, technology level, technology development direction and policy of smart farms in each country and draw implications.
In the collaborative research with STEPI, we focused on the field of (unmanned and autonomous) agricultural machinery for the innovation growth of agriculture in the 4th industrial revolution era, diagnosed the possibility of agricultural innovation growth and proposed policy alternatives centering on key response issues.
The Challenges of Korean Agriculture
First, we identify the challenges of Korean agriculture. Based on the identified issues, we find the issues of agriculture in future. And to solve the issues, we try to suggest problems and a direction for improvement of the 4th Industrial Revolution application method (H/W, S/W).
The challenges of agriculture are including aging, lack of agricultural labor force, steady decline in farmland area, decline in grain self-sufficiency, worsening of the income gap between rural and urban areas, worsening of cultivation due to climate change, environmental pollution caused by pesticides and herbicides, and food safety issues.
The Future Issues of Agriculture in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era
The issues to solve the problems of agriculture in future are classified into four major categories: increasing productivity and production of agriculture; responding to climate change and converting to sustainable agriculture; creating new value in agriculture; and expanding agriculture.
The first issue is increasing agricultural productivity and production. In detail, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of management by converting to labor-saving agriculture, to increase importance of food security (availability, accessibility, safety), to stabilize prices by upgrading agricultural products supply forecasting, to improve productivity through automatic control of the complex environment.
Second, responding to climate change, we need to change to sustainable agriculture. In detail, with the optimization of resource use (fertilizer, pesticide, agricultural water, agricultural land, etc.), we can reduce costs, fight against the resource depletion, and prevent disasters. Moreover, to produce agricultural products under climate change, we need to introduce new varieties suitable for new climate.
Third, we have to create new value in agriculture. It includes the introduction of a new distribution-related platform that combines online and offline which will lead to efficiency improvement and new market creation, the conversion to an agricultural video auction system, the method of providing necessary information through the network by consumers’ needs, the health-food-related business growth, the personalized consumption of agri-food products, and food safety (history, origin, etc.).
Fourth, we should expand the scope of agriculture. With the application of microbial treatment technology in connection with biotechnology, and the expansion of genetic engineering technology application (GMO, LMO, etc.) to agriculture and livestock products, agriculture is expanding its boundary to new medicine and energy production through biotechnology application, and production of cultured meat using synthetic biology. The scope should not be limited to only the primary products.
Performance of Application (H/W), Difficulties in Diffusion and Improvement Direction
In order to achieve the four issues of agriculture mentioned above, we present the actual condition, performance, technology level and technology development direction, policy direction of the application means (H/W and S/W) based on the 4th Industrial Revolution technology.
It is necessary to develop and distribute unmanned and autonomous agricultural machinery, drones, and robots (H/W) as means to apply the 4th Industrial Revolution technology to agriculture.
The technology level of the unmanned and autonomous agricultural machinery remains at the level of automatic steering (Level 1), and it is estimated that the technology gap with the top technology level country lasts for at least 5 years. If autonomous tractors are used for the production of rice, the production cost can be reduced by 30% compared to the conventional farming method. If we turn the weeding operation into unmanned operation, it takes 1 hour per 10a and 16 hours for manpower, which can save labor time dramatically. In order to increase the efficiency of autonomous farming machinery, it is necessary to improve the farmland base, especially dry-field farming, and to standardize the distance of planting and rearing distances and to standardize the parts of unmanned and autonomous machines.
Drones are mainly used for sowing and pest control (liquid, fertilizer, homogenizer, smoke). Target crops are various such as rice, field crops, greenhouse horticulture and fruit trees. The core technology of the drone is a control system. Because most of control systems used are Chinese products, it is necessary to develop a control system (S/W). The biggest achievement of agricultural drones is the reduction of pesticide usage and agricultural work time. It is possible to spray 20 liters of aerial pesticide on 20,000 m2, and one person can spray pesticide on about 100,000 m2 per day. Agricultural infrastructure maintenance is required for drones to have maximum efficiency. No other seeds should be sown or sprayed on the fields other than the user's paddy or field, and the development of the drone industry itself is important, but the base of the field should be maintained at the same time.
Performance of Application (S/W), Difficulties in Diffusion and Improvement Direction
It is necessary to develop and distribute S/W such as various environment control, agricultural products trading platforms, web, application, image information systems in the production-distribution-consumption sectors as the means to apply the 4th industrial revolution technology to agriculture.
The complex environment control S/W continuously provides good environmental condition for growing the crops, so it can be adjusted to improve the productivity, improve the quality, maintain the environment free from pests and diseases. Farming data is collected to increase the utilization of production S/W, but very limited data has been collected yet, and collected data is not analyzed and processed in earnest. In order to develop and spread the S/W technology in the production field, it is necessary to standardize the agricultural production facilities such as construction, internal facilities, and control system from greenhouse design as well as data standardization.
The distribution of S/W in the distribution sector is expected to have a significant impact on the consumption pattern of agri-food products. On the other hand, the percentage of processed food purchased online was 28.3% five years ago, but it has recently increased by 3.6% p to 31.9%. A new agri-food trading platform is expected to emerge in the distribution sector. Most of the online purchases are made using mobile phones and computers. Among them, mobile phones are highly used, and it is necessary to develop and supply S/W that is used for purchase applications and websites, which are the means of applying the fourth industrial revolution technology.
In the consumption sector, it provides mainly price and standard information when purchasing agricultural products online. In addition, it emphasizes the necessity of image information. In the case of agricultural products, especially fresh agricultural products, color and shape are different from general industrial products, and it is difficult to purchase online. It will take time to link health and food and to produce personalized agricultural products. For example, consumers do not have a clear preference for offering a customized recommendation information to a consumer using a past history of purchasing information. This is because they have a negative stance on the provision of personal information due to the possibility of its leakage. Consumer's personal information protection and encryption technology should be developed and distributed using the 4th Industrial Revolution Technology.
Implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Policy of Major Countries
Other countries want to combine the fourth industrial revolution technology with agriculture to solve problems of agriculture and rural areas.
Under the Horizon 2020, the EU supports international cooperation research projects. Projects related to the fourth industrial revolution in the agricultural sector are pursuing sustainable agriculture using core technology of the fourth industrial revolution such as ICT, robot, and big data.
Japan is trying to solve the dangers such as the decrease of agriculture labor force and aging, profitability degradation, new danger such as climate warming, and respond to diversified demand change. The countermeasure is to minimize labor input by robotization and automation, to pursue strategic productivity using big data, and to increase efficiency by linking production, distribution, and sales.
China faces imbalance structure of production, low quality, and resource constraints. Using the intelligence information technology related to the 4th Industrial Revolution, China tries to solve the problems by optimizing the five elements of labor force, land and natural resources, capital, system, and innovation. Agricultural policies include the smart farming equipment project, the project of connecting the IoT to agriculture and testing in local, the agricultural e-commerce demonstration project, the global agricultural data survey and analysis system construction project, the agricultural information intensification project, and so on.
The implications from the overseas cases are not the aim of the technology development itself of the 4th industrial revolution, but the 4th industrial revolution as a means to identify the problems of agriculture and rural areas faced by each country and to promote the resolution of them. It is necessary to seek ways to integrate technology development with agriculture and rural areas.
Innovation Strategy for Agriculture in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era
The vision of Korea's agriculture in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era is to create new value-added through sustainable growth of agriculture by strengthening industrial fusion and private innovation capacity.
Strategies are promoting agro-industry ventures and start-ups that have core technological competitiveness. It is necessary to nurture specialized investment companies such as venture capital in the agricultural sector and to activate technology transactions and M&A. It is necessary to create a demand for public projects of new technology and to attract the test bed industry applying new technology. A platform for rapid application of big data and cloud demonstration projects to the agricultural sector is also required. It is necessary to find cooperative models among small and medium farming enterprises related to 3D printing such as equipment-S/W-materials related to the 4th Industrial Revolution, and to promote related industries through creation of public demand.
It is necessary to build a platform for sharing data with high usability and reliability in the agricultural sector. There is a need to strengthen linkages between big data holders at national level. In the United States, a number of start-up companies analyze weather, seeds, and soil data to provide a variety of services for increasing agricultural productivity, reducing costs, and determining harvests. It is necessary to create a business hub such as smart innovation valley, to establish a research facility equipped with sufficient analytical ability to meet user demand, and to expand utilization of the IoT for controlled horticulture and big data study to surrounding farms. In order to realize smart agriculture through ICT convergence, it is essential to construct useful and standardized data.
The laws, systems and regulations that respond to the agricultural environment and technological changes should be improved. In the case of the agricultural machinery industry, permission for unmanned agricultural machinery is a key issue. In order to activate farmers' data collection, sharing and utilization, and to create new markets, the privacy laws and regulations should be revised. It is necessary to set up guidelines on the disclosure of the big data of the farmers produced by the diffusion of the IoT and the scope and methods of sharing, and to establish the specialized agencies and norms that guarantee the data reliability and stability.
We must focus on investments in R & D in smart agriculture that can secure global competitiveness. It is necessary to clarify the main research fields and roles of relevant ministries and to establish a collaborative system for systematic research in smart agriculture and R & D. In the agricultural sector, it is required to build a test bed for ICT convergence equipment and facilities, big data, cloud, AI and robots.
It is necessary to cultivate manpower for technology utilization and distribution including professional R & D personnel. Regarding the manpower, it is necessary to cultivate technological manpower and technology distribution manpower as well as smart agriculture R & D manpower. In the field of agriculture, big data analysts are needed along with experts who develop optimal customized S/W by linking growth and environmental data. Meanwhile, the government plans to cultivate 600 professionals by 2022 through Smart Farm Innovation Valley. It is necessary to enhance the utilization ability of various technologies by providing opportunities to participate in demonstration tests of participating companies in parallel with big data analysis and HW/SW education as well as item cultivation education. In this way, it is necessary to provide professional workers with a way to start up a company and find a job with technology as well as to establish a business.
Researchers: Kim Yeanjung, Kang Changyong, Lee Myoungki, Park Jiyun, Park Younggu, Cheu Sungmin
Research period: 2018. 1. ~ 2018. 12.
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