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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

The International Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Marketing System and Policy Improvement (Year 2 of 2)

2018.03.14 90938
  • Author
    Choi, Byungok
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
Although the agricultural product marketing system of each country has developed differently depending on the areas of producing fruits and vegetables and the distribution environment of the market, the systems are similar to one another in that the wholesale distribution connecting the areas to the market is involved in any way. The fruit and vegetable wholesale markets in the world have been a supporter for the economy around large-scale cities, implemented efficient logistics through large-scale collection and distribution of fruits and vegetables, and fast pricing by the auction system reflecting demand and supply. This is a role for the public good, for example, fair transactions and price stability. However, a significant change is observed in the function and role of the fruit and vegetable wholesale markets because of the changing market and distribution environment, for example, large-scale distributors entering the market.
Therefore, it is necessary to know in which historical environment the wholesale markets of major countries have been created and developed, and how the function and role of the wholesale markets has changed as more large-scale distributors by private capital enter the wholesale markets. This knowledge is required for establishing a more efficient strategic policy for distribution related to the fruit and vegetable wholesale markets of Korea.
This study aims to suggest a strategy for improving policies and vitalizing the wholesale markets along with implications for the essential function and role of the wholesale markets by comparing and analyzing overseas markets (Japan, France, the US) in comparison with key issues in the wholesale markets of Korea. Specifically, the rate of distribution via the fruit and vegetable wholesale markets of Korea was calculated to compare and analyze collection, pricing and decentralization of products as essential functions of the wholesale markets. Moreover, the strategy of each country was examined for addressing the key issues in the Korean wholesale markets as the fruit and vegetable distribution environment changes to suggest the direction of improving distribution policies for the wholesale markets of Korea.

Method of Research
Data in prior studies about wholesale markets in each country (Korea, Japan, France, the US) were collected and examined to compare and analyze the wholesale marketing system of each country as an objective of this study.
Multiple onsite surveys were conducted about central and local wholesale markets to know the current fruit and vegetable marketing system in the Korean wholesale markets. A questionnaire was used to collect information about marketing, purchase, issues and improvement in the wholesale markets from local distributors as a marketing party in the wholesale markets, large-scale distributors and supermarket MDs. A plurality of data about the wholesale markets were used to examine the development process of the wholesale markets.
Seminars and meetings with involved experts were held to collect the data about the overseas wholesale markets, as it is hard to gather the information. In particular, researchers of this study traveled to France to collect information about French wholesale markets and a study was commissioned to experts related to the wholesale markets for getting better outcome through more efficient studies.

Research Results and Implications
Characteristics of the fruit and vegetable marketing system of each country are as follows. Korea shows the characteristics of ① intense competition between the wholesale distribution around the wholesale markets and the retail distribution around large-scale distributors, ② high percentages of distribution via the wholesale market and pricing mainly by auction, and ③ fast changes of production areas and the retail distribution environment. Characteristics of Japan include ① the marketing system mainly around the wholesale market, ② a decrease in the percentages of distribution via the wholesale markets due to an increase in imported fruits and vegetables and other distribution channels than markets, ③ fast changes of pricing methods in the wholesale markets, and ④ consumption structure change due to aging and decreasing population. It is shown that there is a preference for traditional specialized retail shops or local markets for fruits and vegetables rather than large-scale distributors in France. The public wholesale market of France (MIN) has major customers of specialized fruit and vegetable retail shops, catering service providers and restaurants to supply various agricultural products. Cash-and-Carry, a specialized food material wholesaler, has a shop in the public wholesale markets to do business. Meanwhile, general changes and characteristics of the US fruit and vegetable marketing system include an increase in the function and role of distribution in production areas, and changes of the function and role of distributors in the wholesale stage. There is an increase in the markets to substitute the function and role of the wholesale markets.
Although the year of establishing the wholesale markets in major countries is different depending on each country's socio-economic development process, a common point is that the wholesale markets have been established and developed around cities with high population densities or their suburban areas as their population increases in the cities, large cities and local medium- and small-sized cities with access to good transportation means.
In terms of changes and factors in distribution via the wholesale markets in major countries, the rate of distribution via the wholesale markets has decreased to about 10% in the US where large-scale distributors enter the market. However, in France, the wholesale markets provide services pursuing high levels and convenience for retail shops to show a slight increase in the rate of distribution via the wholesale markets, the percentage staying at about 30%. Japan revised the Wholesale Market Act when the rate of distribution via the wholesale markets decreased to be under 80% to implement the distribution environment change. As a result, the rate of distribution via the wholesale markets does not show a sudden decrease to stay at about 60%. In Korea, although large-scale distributors entered the market as the wholesale markets were established, the retail distribution market was not well organized, the large-scale distributors grew and the rate of distribution via the wholesale market rose to about 40%. However, unlike other countries, Korea enforced the Traditional Market Protection Act and large-scale distributor business regulations to protect small retail shops in the 2010s. As a result, the rate of distribution via the wholesale markets has risen to 50.8% (including domestic and imported products).
Regulations for wholesale market management and operation in each country are described below. In Korea and Japan, special acts are enforced to regulate establishment and operation of the wholesale markets, and the central and local governments manage and supervise the markets. However, although the wholesale markets were managed and supervised by the central and local governments in the past in France and the US, management and supervision has been transferred currently to private entities.
In terms of collectors in the wholesale markets in each country, the collection entities in the wholesale markets are varied and include intermediate-stage wholesalers, market wholesalers, and sales participants in Korea and Japan. However, in the US and France, wholesalers are simplified and in charge of collection and distribution in the wholesale markets. While there is a legal restriction on the entities using the function of wholesale markets in Korea and Japan, the wholesale markets have become open to various economic entities as the distribution environment has changed from the late 1990s. Because collection and distribution by wholesalers is active in the US and France, the scope of wholesale business is not limited just to the wholesale markets and active transactions are conducted while building a cooperative relationship with large-scale distributors, large-scale processing companies and food suppliers.
In terms of pricing in the wholesale markets of each country, pricing in the wholesale markets of Korea has been made mainly by the auction system from the early stage to the present. However, in Japan, France and the US, auctions are not conducted in the wholesale markets around retail markets, or the rate of auctions shows a sudden decrease, and auctions are conducted for some production areas or livestock although conducted. Meanwhile, payment in the wholesale market is conducted through the wholesale market corporation who determines prices in Korea, but by a special payment organization in the US, France and Japan.
In terms of logistics in the wholesale markets of each country, the fruits and vegetables packaged in production areas are repackaged and configured as goods to be sold and delivered in the wholesale markets in Japan, France and the US to meet the requirements of retail shops. However, because there are not enough facilities and space in the wholesale markets of Korea to meet various requirements of retail shops, it is hard to create added values to enhance competitiveness of the wholesale markets.
The prospective rate of distribution via the wholesale market for fruits and vegetables is about 60% in Korea which is similar to the level of Japan. However, it seems the rate would repeat ups and downs but fall in the mid- and long-term if the distribution environment changes are not considered in the regulations and acts for the wholesale markets as Japan experiences. However, the prospect is that the rate of distribution via the wholesale market would not drop suddenly, but gradually change as the trend continues by more large-scale distributors, SSM, online distributions, direct transactions and local food sellers in the retail market. Therefore, it is desirable to follow the growth path for establishing a strategy for functional transfer while accepting the distribution environment change for fruits and vegetables and sticking to the rate of distribution via the wholesale market as Japan does. However, if the rate of distribution via the wholesale market drops below 30% due to continued changes in the retail distribution environment in the future, it is necessary to establish a strategy for building a competitive or cooperative relationship with private distributors by mitigating regulations and acts related to the wholesale markets as France and the US do.
To improve the distribution policy for the wholesale markets of Korea, the markets should maintain the function of the auction system for fair pricing, and the functions to be expanded include ① Implement efficient distribution by separation of marketing distribution from physical distribution, ② Employ a transaction system for stabilizing demand, supply and prices in connection with contract farming, ③ Provide logistics and services compatible with the needs of retail transactions, and ④ Ensure safety and consumer’s trust through quality management. Four functions should be changed as follows: ① Improve the operation and management system mainly by the central and local governments, ② Change the functions of local wholesale markets not competitive, ③ Establish efficient wholesale markets and implement efficient investment, and ④ Change the sluggish logistics system in the wholesale markets. The functions to be reduced include the unified pricing method and intermediate-stage wholesalers which require a strategy for improvement thereof.

Researchers: Choi Byungok, Jeon Changgon, Jeong Eunmee, Park Seongjin, Kim Donghoon
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 12.
E-mail address: bochoi@krei.re.kr

A Study on Efficient Recycling of Agricultural and Livestock Wastes as Resources (Year 2 of 2)
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