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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Study on Developing Performance Indicators for National Dietary Education Policy

2018.02.14 89421
  • Author
    Hwang, Yunjae
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Backgrounds & Purpose of Research
Various problems related to dietary issues have arisen, and the role of the government in the root resolution of these problems became important. As a result, the government has enacted the "Food Education Support Act" in 2009, and based on this, the "Basic Plan for Dietary Education" is established every five years. It is necessary to systematically check and evaluate the process and performance of tasks and projects in order to effectively and efficiently promote the Plan. However, there are no proper performance indicators to monitor and evaluate the process and performance of the Plan.
The purpose of this study is to develop the performance indicators that can be used for the implementation process and performance evaluation of the Basic Plan for Dietary Education so that the efficient and effective management and improvement of the national dietary education policy can be made. This study also aims to suggest improvement tasks for the efficient utilization of the indicators.

Method of Research
Data gathering and institutional visit interviews were conducted to investigate the state of the national food education system, the status of establishment and utilization of national government performance indicators, and the establishment and utilization of performance indicators related to dietary education policies in major countries.
A specialist manuscript was commissioned to establish a legal basis for establishing and using the performance indicators. A specialist manuscript request was made in order to grasp the tendency of Japan's dietary education policy trend, the establishment of the performance index, and the actual situation of utilization.
Expert in-depth interviews and expert surveys were conducted in order to establish the performance indicators and examine the utilization plan. Expert in-depth interviews were conducted on 31 experts related to the development of performance indicators. An expert survey was conducted on 63 experts from academia and dietary education project managers, focusing on the evaluation of performance indicators and the establishment and utilization of performance indicators.

Research Results and Implications
In order to check and evaluate the implementation process and performance of the Basic Plan for Dietary Education, input, process, output, and outcome indices should be prepared considering the project circulation stage. Input indicators need to be selected based on quantitative indicators that can quantitatively confirm the type and size of resources invested to promote projects. Process indicators need to include both quantitative and qualitative indicators that can check and evaluate a series of activities based on input factors in the process of project promotion. The output indicators included quantitative indicators to assess the direct results of the project and qualitative indicators to conduct qualitative assessments of the results.
In the case of the outcome index ① it should be systematically established and presented in three categories: home, school, and area, which are the main object and space of national dietary education. ② Indicators that need to be used in the long term should be managed separately, and ③ indicators of education and experience related to diet should be integrated and organized. ④ It is necessary to subdivide related indicators or target values when it is needed to grasp the influence on a specific class. ⑤ It is necessary to add indicators that can reflect the changes in eating habits and conditions and to check and evaluate personal and social influences on dietary education.
In order to utilize the performance indicators efficiently, it is necessary to provide a support system for the development and utilization of indicators. It is needed to establish a monitoring and feedback system, to organize a working committee, and to form an exclusive organization. It is necessary to specify the justification and basis for establishing and using the performance indicators through amendment of laws and regulations. In addition, it is required to systematize the basic planning and implementation planning structure and provide guidelines for facilitating the use of dietary education indicators.

Researchers: Hwang Yunjae, Park Sungjin, Byun Seungyeon
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 10.
E-mail address: yjhwang@krei.re.kr

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