Research Reports
A Study on Analysis of the Storage Condition of Condiment Vegetables and Plans for Building an Efficient System for Stable Demand and Supply: Focusing on Garlic and Onions

AuthorKim, Seongwoo
Publication Date2017.02.18
Vegetables used as spices (condiment vegetables) including garlic and onions are essential agricultural products. They are items important for ensuring farmer’s income and stabilizing prices. Condiment vegetables vary significantly with weather changes in terms of production and prices thereof, are harvested and then stored for later distribution. Therefore, it is important to plan stable demand and supply by checking the volume of stored vegetables and controlling the time of marketing.
Therefore, up-to-date data are required about the number of storage facilities, volume of stored vegetables, time of storage, marketed volume, time of marketing, and stored items to stabilize demand and supply of condiment vegetables. It is thus necessary to control the volume of storage and marketing on the basis of the data to establish a strategy effective for stable demand and supply.
This study first suggests a plan for surveying and analyzing the current storage of garlic and onions as essential data for establishing a demand and supply policy of condiment vegetables to build an efficient system for stable demand supply. Next, another objective of this study is to identify storage and issues of storage companies following changing conditions of demand and supply of condiment vegetables to seek a plan encouraging the private storage companies to participate in the project of stabilizing demand and supply.
Current data were collected on APC, Nonghyup, aT, Agricultural Technology Center in each city, private cold storage facilities operated by provincial offices and major production sites, current data on the Cold Storage Association of Agricultural Products, Cold Storage Managers Association, and Association of Agricultural Product Processing for each item, and current data on cold storage facilities for agricultural products using electricity for farming through KEPCO.
In-depth interviews were conducted to examine current storage of condiment vegetables. For efficient examination of storage companies based on major production sites, universities based on the sites were commissioned with the examination.
An analysis was made of the effect of changes in stored condiment vegetables by using the coefficient of price flexibility based on the original monthly data on storage companies provided by the Department of Agricultural Outlook of KREI for the total stock and the marketed volume of storage companies. This aimed to analyze the economic effects of storage for each demand and supply scenario, for example, the production in the harvesting season, prices and imports.
Implication and Conclusion
The analysis of current operation of condiment vegetable storage companies shows that there are about 3,500 refrigerators for cold storage in Korea, and about 490 companies are engaged in storing garlic accounting for 14% of all cold storage companies, and 800 companies in storing onions accounting for 23%. Most of refrigerators for cold storage of onions (90%) and garlic (over 80%) are located in Gyeongnam, Gyeongbuk and Jeonnam, major production sites thereof.
For garlic storage companies, 52.4% of them market pre-peeled garlic, and 33.4% thereof sell the peeled garlic to processing companies. This implies that marketed peeled garlic accounts for 85.8% of all of the garlic storage companies, whereas most onions are sold as raw onions without processing, and 55.4% of stored onions are marketed in the wholesale market.
Main difficulties of garlic and onion storage companies include economic risks behind dropping and rising prices accounting for 25.5% which is the highest, aging cold storehouses and facilities accounting for 16.6%, payment for purchasing products accounting for 12.0%, and too much competition among rival companies accounting for 11.8%.
For the question of legislation to check the volume of stored condiment vegetables, it is shown that pros (51.4%) were more than cons (24.5%), and Nonghyup was the most positive supporter.
For the question of providing information on the volume of storage, 29.7% of respondents said they would provide information, provided that incentives are provided including subsidies for constructing (complementary) storage facilities (45.8%), the fund for purchasing original products (23.7%) and marketing stored products (22.0%).
For the annually stored garlic and onions, it was shown that the annually stored garlic is estimated 97k to 110k tons, and the annually stored onions 614k to 667k tons in consideration of the volume sold in the wholesale markets at the time of marketing for storage, the marketed volume in the wholesale markets by storage and processing companies and spoilage rates at the time of marketing stored vegetables. The figures are similar to the estimates announced before by KREI.
In consideration of import volume and TRQ, if the garlic supply conditions drop by 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, the volume of storage reduces by –34.7 to –44.4%. It was shown that price changes in the off-crop season were –2.3% to 12.8%, and –2.5% to 14.2% in the season of marketing stored garlic. For onions, if the supplied volume drops by 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, the stored volume drops between –9.5 to –15.9%; the price changes in the off-crop season are shown between 4.3% to 30.9%; and those in the marketing season for storage were shown between 4.1% to 29.3%.
This study sets up four essential directions for constructing an efficient system for stable demand and supply of condiment vegetables, and suggests six projects for constructing the system for stable demand and supply.
It is necessary to examine current storage companies and conduct integrated management in order to enhance the effect of policy for stable demand and supply through cooperation with local governments led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
It is also necessary to give the private associations a role to encourage them to participate in the project for stable demand and supply as demand and supply policy partners, for example, distributors and storage service providers including the Garlic Processing Association and the Agricultural Cold Storage Association.
It is necessary to review the plan for providing incentives, for example, giving a subsidy for assisting marketing garlic in the wholesale market, and modernizing facilities of cold storehouses in order to allow members of the private storage associations to provide storage information.
It is necessary to review legislation of compulsory provision of storage information. To this end, it is essential to review limitations on fundamental rights and violation of the principles of Constitution.
For accurate agricultural outlook information, it is necessary to expand the existing samples for survey to the major production sites and non-major production sites. It is also necessary to include peeled garlic processing companies for garlic, and to devise a method for examining neighboring companies close to the surveyed companies.
It is necessary to have data on the production in the year of interest and the stock carry-over to promote the policy based on the whole volume of supply including the production by effectively managing the stock according to the circumstances of demand and supply. It is also necessary to consider a method for legislation to avoid reverse selection of provided information.
For the difficulties experienced by the storage companies, the greatest concern was about aging facilities. Because aging facilities need extra costs unnecessary for storage, it is necessary to perform a project to provide information on the stored volume, time of purchasing and marketing products, and marketed volume by using ICT.
In the future studies, it is necessary to conduct empirical studies about constructing a system for using ICT in order to check the volume of storage. Although this study just provides comprehensive information on constructing the ICT system, it is necessary to develop a system actually applicable, including an analysis of economic efficiency following construction of the system. Moreover, an in-depth analysis is also required for studying how to prevent reverse selection of the information provided by storage companies.
Researchers: Kim Seongwoo, Song Seonghwan, Lee Hyungyong,
Han Eunsu, Kim Seoyoung
Research Period: 2016. 1. ∼ 2016. 10.
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