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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Study on the Mid-Long Term Direction of Grain Policy: focusing on Korea’s rice trade policy (Year 2 of 2)

2017.02.17 42588
  • Author
    Kim, Taehun
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
Since Korea's rice tariffication in January 2015, it has become possible to import rice freely by paying a 513% tariff, and the changes in macroeconomic factors and in the global supply and demand conditions of short or medium rice varieties have become able to affect the Korean rice industry.
Despite tariffication, mandatory import quotas continue to be imposed at a low tariff rate and need management costs. Therefore, it is necessary to review methods of introducing and managing mandatory rice imports in order to minimize the impact of imported rice on the domestic market in the medium and long term. Also, because mandatory rice imports have been a burden on domestic rice supply and demand, it is needed to examine the possibility of exporting processed products that used imported rice and to seek plans to take tariffication as an opportunity to expand rice exports.
Due to tariffication, the changes in the conditions of the external rice industry have become able to influence the domestic rice market. Accordingly, this research aims to comprehensively examine unstable factors after tariffication and to present the medium- and long-term direction of rice trade policy that can minimize the effect of tariffication. This second year's study conducted empirical analysis to monitor the progress of implementation including changes in rice trade and in awareness of tariffication and to derive proper methods of introducing mandatory rice imports; presented the possibility of taking tariffication as an opportunity to expand the export of rice and processed rice products; and proposed measures to increase exports by identifying problems.

(이하 원문 참조)

A Study on Enhancing the Direct Payment Schemes Based on Multi-Faceted Evaluation
The Current Status of Changes in Korean Rural Villages and Direction for Mid- and Long-term Development (Year 2 of 5)