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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

International Development Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Post-2015 Era

2017.02.17 88881
  • Author
    Heo, Jang
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
This study was conducted to meet the need to present strategic objectives and directions as well as policy agendas to be promoted in the agriculture and rural development sector within international development cooperation arena reflecting newly arising domestic and international trends such as ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ and the ‘Second Master Plan on International Development Cooperation.’ It is necessary that future development cooperation be complied with international expectations and maintain coherent domestic policies by achieving objectives presented in the SDGs and carrying out the mid- and long-term road map in each related sector.

Method of Research
This study comprehensively reviews related literature and analyzes data collected from the ‘ODA Statistics System’ managed by EDCF. Moreover, report documents provided by the International Development Cooperation Committee, data and documents from related organizations such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and KOICA are collected and utilized. In order to examine cases of major donor countries and international organizations, we carried out online preliminary investigations as well as business trips to these countries and organizations.

Research Results and Implications
The result of the analysis on project implementing agencies shows that it is necessary to utilize unique strengths of the private sector, to play public agencies’ distinct roles, and to take a long-term approach to foster manpower and professionalism. In terms of partnership with the private sector, most projects take a form of global CSR that are limited to one-time or small volunteer type activities. Cooperation among relevant ministries can take diverse patterns, and some of such cases in the agricultural sector include projects in DR Congo, Lao PDR, Rwanda, and Cambodia. In order to ensure efficient utilization of the ODA budget, Korea has been promoting a ‘selection and concentration strategy’ by choosing focus countries and priority areas, but in agriculture, most of projects have been concentrated on comprehensive rural development.
This study also presents cases of the UK, Japan, Canada, IFAD and FAO to examine major donor countries and international organizations’ strategies in the post-2015 era. We set objectives of the Korean international agricultural cooperation as to achieve SDGs in the agricultural sector and contribute to implementation of principles and agendas of the master plan on international development cooperation, and then propose basic policy directions to  reinforce substantiality of project implementation by fostering capacity of development cooperation,  systematize project implementation by fostering cooperation and linkages among related projects,  strengthen efficiency through strategic selection and concentration.
In order to enhance project implementation capacity, a clear division of labor between the public and private sectors and establishment of ‘triangular capacity’ among people engaged in international development cooperation are needed. To this end, it is important to run a professional manpower information exchange site (‘manpower agency’) and manage young people with experience in development cooperation. As for encouraging the private sector involvement in development cooperation, it is necessary to understand detailed project demands of private companies as well as that of development partner countries, actively engage with NGOs, develop appropriate technology suitable for particular situations of developing countries, and promote successful cases. As for the improving project implementation system, it is suggested to enhance consultation among grant and loan related institutes in the agricultural sector, establish an online cooperation and project linkage support system, foster diverse types of cooperation, discover successful cases of linkage projects and also to seek other measures such as fostering project linkages through ODA local consultative body in the agricultural sector, developing follow-up projects. For selection and concentration, sixteen countries are chosen as strategic focus countries and seven priority areas of cooperation including comprehensive rural development are suggested taking the SDGs and ‘Korean ODA Model’ into account.

Researchers: Heo Jang, Lee Daeseob, Choi Eunji and Ahn Gyumi
Research Period: 2016. 1. ~ 2016. 10.
E-mail address: heojang@krei.re.kr

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