Research Reports
Development Plan for Community Based Forest Management in Korea

AuthorMin, Kyungtaek
Publication Date2014.12.30
In order to rehabilitate degraded forests, Korea government had implemented various policies such as tree planting campaign, promoting energy conversion and preventing slash/burn cultivation. Due to these strong policies, it was possible to green degraded forests in a short period. However, local people have been isolated from forests in the process. It caused various problems such as degrading the ecosystem services of forest (e.g. biodiversity), collapse of mountain village society and increasing burden of government budget. Consequently, the sustainability of forest is threatened. Thus, it is needed to convert Korean forest policy from government led- to private sector and local community led-. Community based forest management (hereafter CBFM), in which local people participate, have been emerging as an alternative way for recovering the broken relationship between human and natural resources. This study aims to find appropriate ways of implementing CBFM in Korea.
We collected the various cases of CBFM in not only developing countries but also developed countries. In order to gather the information efficiently, we carried out oversea research and held an international seminar on CBFM. In order to evaluate the preferences of Koreans to CBFM, we conducted a survey with 1,000 urban dwellers and face to face interview with 22 representatives of forest village from two counties.
We reviewed the cases of CBFM from 11 countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, England, Japan, Bhutan, Nepal, Philippines, Ghana and Ethiopia). By analyzing these cases, we can derive two important messages.
(1) In most countries, CBFM has played an important role in enhancing the value of forests as well as in stabilizing the livelihood of local people. Thus, Korean government also needs to apply CBFM to current forest policy.
(2) When we apply CBFM, various conditions of forest and local people should be considered. Because the type of CBFM is dependent on its historical background, legal and institutional system, level of public awareness and so on. For example, the aims of CBFM in Western Europe and Japan are oriented to recreational and educational services. On the other hand, stabilizing livelihood is the most important purpose of CBFM in Bhutan and Nepal. The major player of CBFM in Western Europe and Japan was volunteers. In North America, Indian tribes have played an important role in community.
The survey results of urban dwellers show that about 62% of respondents are willing to participate in urban forest management. The activities that they can easily participate in were preferred such as greening their own garden and picking up waste in trails. It is preferable that government and citizens share their role in forest management. Even though most local people recognize the necessity of their participation in forest management, the willingness of local people to participate was relatively low. It can be interpreted as due to the lack of resources such as labor, capital and skill.
Policy challenges that can be derived from these results are as follows:
(1) the governance system which local people easily participate in forest management should be established; (2) the supporting system which helps the aged in rural areas should be set up; (3) government should lower the barrier preventing local people from utilizing not only non-timber products but also various ecosystem services in national forests; (4) the governance should develop their own business model to ensure stable income of local people;
(5) various programs that urban dwellers can participate in should be prepared by local government.
Researchers: Min Kyung-taek, Seok Hyun-deok and Koo Ja-choon
Research period: 2014. 1. ~ 2014. 12.
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