Research Reports
A Study on Rural Industries Development Policies through Construction of Regional Innovation Systems

AuthorKim, Kwangsun
Publication Date2014.12.30
The proportion of agriculture in rural economy of Korea has been continuously reduced, and the external pressure from abroad for domestic market opening has been also dramatically increased. Under these circumstances, the Korean government has strived to diversify the rural economy and to develop rural industries. In particular, the government has focused policy efforts on enhancing industrial competitiveness of rural areas for a long time by building regional innovation capacity.
However, prior to such policy efforts we should have performed systematic analysis of present conditions of regional and local innovation capacities of rural industries. We also lack information and knowledge of the structures of regional innovation processes of rural industries. These have caused lack of systematic evaluation of existing rural industrial policies, especially individual policy elements and policy systems as well.
This study has a purpose to analyze regional innovation factor conditions of rural industries and the structure of regional innovation systems in rural areas. For this purpose, this study performed analysis of regional innovation environment by‘regional innovation system input-output model of rural areas’and analysis of innovation path structure in rural areas by‘PLS-structural equation model’and so forth. This study also performed case studies of 2 regions and policy evaluation of existing related rural industry development programs.
Utilizing the results of the analysis, this study suggested some policy directions for rural industrial development based on the theoretical perspective of regional innovation system. And this study also proposed a few of policy strategies to construct sustainable regional innovation systems in rural areas.
Researcher: Kwang-Sun Kim
Research Period: 2014. 1.~2014. 10.
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