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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Supply and Demand of Hired Farm Labour and Policy

2014.12.30 51418
  • Author
    Kim, Jeongseop
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
Agricultural workforce problems relate to maintaining the production capacity in the middle and long term basis, but directly relate to supply and demand of workforce to cope with shortage in family members available for work. Not until recently, has research on present conditions on agricultural workforce been carried out and alternatives to mitigate problems with supply and demand of workforce have begun to be submitted; however, it is still in its early stage of establishing appropriate policies.

Purpose of Research
The purpose of this research is to analyze the current condition of supply and demand of workforce in the agricultural industry and to propose directions to define policies and tasks. Detailed research purpose is as follows.
First, present condition on family and employed agricultural workforce is analyzed. Second, characteristics in demand of agricultural workforce are analyzed in the consideration of distinctive types of each entity such as business in crop area. Third, currently existing agricultural workforce employment mechanism is researched and analyzed. Fourth, the policies and system related to agricultural workforce market that have already been in practice and in plan are analyzed and tasks and direction in establishing those policies are proposed.

Research Results and Implications
Main methods of research are journal reviews, statistics analysis, survey analysis, and case study analysis. In the result of research, Part 2 reviews previous studies on agricultural workforce issues and trends in system and policies. Part 3 studies the issues raised and policies requested by farm owners regarding agricultural workforce employment; this is carried out by analyzing survey results from farm owners. Furthermore, 'Agriculture, forestry & fishery industry census and agricultural economy' is used in order to analyze the current status and the change in constituent of family and employed workforce. Part 4 analyzes case studies where farm owners utilize their personal social network to secure employed workforce, employ professional workers usually present in major crop production area, employ foreign workers, utilize local workforce policy and recruitment agencies, and local autonomous governments intervene to resolve the issue in local level. Finally, Part 5 reviews recently discussed legislation maintenance and policy development relevant to supply and demand of agricultural workforce, and summarizes analysis results and discussion from previous chapters together to propose tasks and directions in future.

Researchers: Kim Jeong-seop, Oh Nae-won and Heo Joo-nyung
Research period: 2014. 1. ~ 2014. 10.
E-mail address: jskkjs@krei.re.kr

Measures to Improve Agricultural R&D Governance Efficiency and Expand Private Investment (Year 1 of 2)
Supply Chain Management (SCM) System Implementation Plan for Improving the Distribution Structure of Agricultural Products (Year 1 of 2)