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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Promotion Strategy for Community Business (Year 3 of 3)

2013.12.30 122722
  • Author
    Kim, Taegon
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
Several significant factors such as market opening followed by globalization, regulations relaxation, decreasing population, and aging society encourage the lower growth of agriculture and commercial industry in rural areas, as well as induce the collapse of community. Both decline and growing aspects are shown in a typical rural area, and the polarization has become more intensified.
Current policy and administrative service are limited to apply and response to various and complicated regional issues including income disparity and the collapse of community. Recently, as a new form of business based on regional unit or community has emerged, a higher and significant need for improving response strategy focused on small scale or site-contact is magnified.

Method of Research
As a key method in this study, the outstanding examples or cases were discovered and dissemination potential was verified through the fact finding survey. Case study and applicability are to be reviewed through the case study of regional vitalization overseas. Especially, ‘site discussion forum’ and ‘community business study meeting’ were held to draw site-focused study results. Regarding the specific expertise area, its related information has been collected through commissioned researches and an international symposium.

Research Results and Implications
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the role and actual condition of community business (CB) and analyze the ripple effect to suggest the promotion strategy of community business. This study aims to: ① create regional level jobs for a short term to improve the added value, ultimately, vitalizing a declined economy in rural area; ② solve social issues intensified in rural areas for a mid and long term to ultimately ‘improve the quality of life’ and ‘realize the balanced society’.
Key table of contents for this study includes: ‘concept and role of community’, ‘type and case of community businesses’, ‘policy related to community businesses’, ‘promotion of community business project’, ‘increasing demand of social service and community business’, ‘community restoration and urban-rural exchange of urban agriculture’, ‘promotion strategy of community business’, etc. This study is a final report that combines the results of project undertaken over 3 years.
The policy precedes the research for community business and this community business is dispersed and operated based on the needs by governmental department. The community business is divided into 4 areas in this study: agri-business, resource environment, living welfare and urban-rural exchange. This study is differentiated from other existing studies in that it aims to resolve economic problems, properly response to increasing social demands including living and welfare followed by ageing society and ultimately, realize the balanced society.

Researchers: Tae-Gon Kim, Jeong-Seop Kim, Joo-Nyung Heo, Chan-Yeong Yang
Research Period: 2013. 1~2013. 10
E-mail address: taegon@krei.re.kr

A Study on the Performance Analysis of Fiscal Investment and Loan in the Agricultural Sector
Activation Measures of Distribution for Environment- Friendly Agricultural Products in Wholesale Market