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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Rural Development Policy for Changes in Human Settlements in an Era of Rural-Urban Interaction (Year 2 of 2)

2013.12.30 42888
  • Author
    Seong, Jooin
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
Even though the changes such as diversification of members along with over-depopulation, and hollowization in rural areas of Korea concurrently occurred, the relevant empirical researches are not sufficient. This study under this circumstances is to seek for supporting policies on sustainability of settlement space of rural areas, and to propose measures for system modification to support the foregoing.

Method of Research
The method of research can be divided into 4 categories; First, settlement space of rural areas related discussions are arranged through previous references, and analysis on changes in function and status of villages and central places, movement of population, and commuting ranges is conducted by utilizing relevant statistics. Second, the functions and ranges of daily life zone in small cities or Gun (counties), and connecting area and function with nearby central cities are analyzed by conducting surveys. Third, the current status of various policies and actual condition of community activities are identified by in-depth interviews. Lastly, the major policies of advanced countries are studied by commissioning the study to pertinent experts.

Research Results and Implications
The major outcomes of the study are described as follows. As a result of analysis on commuting and migration of population, the association between a big city and nearby small cities or Gun (counties) has become strengthened whereas the level of association between the areas with daily life zone far from the big cities and the cities has become relatively weakened. It is found that the impact of wide urbanization on the rural areas is limited. By analyzing the centers of rural areas, it is acknowledged that the service function per Eup·Myeon(town) is properly working, and lifestyle along with community activities of residents by town varies depending upon location conditions. From the analysis on community activities of residents, the range of activities together with diversification of members has expanded to Eup·Myeon and cities or Gun(county).
Based on the foregoing findings, policy guidelines and measures for sustainable development of settlement space in rural areas are proposed as follows. First, local governments should prepare a mid-and long-term vision on reorganization of town together with continuation of enhancing fundamental living environment of the town. Second, their budgeting should be based on ongoing businesses in response to the many unused facilities created by various government support programs. Third, it is necessary to promote a strategy on the centers of Eup·Myeon to dually embrace strategically important Eup·Myeon and general Eup·Myeon. Fourth, it is important to develop and utilize the indexes comprehensively diagnosing the current status of living sphere in the region, level of function of center areas, regional resources, economic activities, level of competencies of residents, and etc. Fifth, the current contents of reorganization for Eup·Myeon locations need to be diversified. Sixth, the future regional development business should be in a manner of ‘making a town’. Lastly an intermediate organization per large city area and a fundamental unit supporting regional community activities should be promoted and utilized.

Researchers: Joo-In Seong, Si-Hyun Park, Jae-Heon Sim, and
Byeong-Seok Yoon
Research Period: 2013. 1 ~ 2013. 12
E-mail address: jiseong@krei.re.kr

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