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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

An Analysis of the Government's Agri-Food Policy Communications with Consumers and Suggestions for Improvement

2013.12.30 38685
  • Author
    Hwang, Yunjae
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
With the recent change in the socio-economic environment, the role of consumers is growing with regard to the agri-food policies. Therefore the communications with consumers become more important in making the policies more efficient and effective. However, the consumer communications by the public sector are still at the early stage, requiring qualitative and quantitative improvements. This study intends to understand the current status of the government communications with consumers in the process of agri-food policy making, which are often performed individually at the organization and project level, and to suggest measures to ensure more systematic and effective government communications with consumers concerning agri-food policies.

Method of Research
The study focuses on analyzing the agri-food communications with consumers performed by the MAFRA and its affiliated agencies. Data collection, agency visits and the request for expert opinions were used to figure out the concept of consumer communications and to study the current status and case examples of the government’s communication practices in Korea and foreign countries. A survey was conducted to consumers and experts of related fields to find out their perceptions of the consumer communications on agri-food policies and to learn their views on the direction for improvement. The consumer survey was a nationwide online survey conducted to 1,000 respondents in August 2013. The expert survey was performed to 67 professionals via email in September 2013. As Tweeter and Facebook are used by the government recently for communications with consumers, a social media research company was commissioned to analyze the government’s practices of using social media.

Research Results and Implications
The government communications of agri-food policies with consumers can be improved basically by ① expanding the consumer-oriented communications; ② taking a comprehensive approach toward consumer communications; and ③ ensuring the interactive communications with consumers.
Under the aforementioned basic direction of improvement, in order to better communicate the agri-food policies to the public, ① the consumer communications system is needed; ② the basis for supporting the consumer communications needs to be built; and ③ the consumer-centric communications need to be vitalized. Below are the detailed suggestions for the implementation.
First, in relation to building the basis of consumer communications, the communication structure of the MAFRA needs to be rearranged. The Office of Spokesperson is recommended to be divided into ① the press section which is responsible for press release and spokesperson activities and ② the public communications section which is responsible for planning, governing and evaluating the MAFRA communications to the public. The consumer policy division needs a team dedicated to consumer communication which can plan consumer communications and coordinate activities among related organizations. The effectiveness of consumer communications regarding agri-foods can be enhanced by promoting integrated cooperation among central administrative organizations which establish and execute agri-food policies and by building a system of collaboration among related departments of MAFRA and affiliated agencies.
Second, the formation of the basis for consumer communications needs to be supported by the revision of related laws from consumers’ views. Also policy makers need to have a changed perception toward consumer communications and increase job performance. On top of strengthening the capability of dealing with social media, the working-level officers need to cooperate with external professional organizations in the social media field from the early stage for the planning of consumer communications.
Third, in order to vitalize the consumer-centric communications, the Basic Direction and Implementation Plan of Consumer Communications need to be prepared. Besides, the contents, routes and formats of communications need to be decided in consideration of consumers. The information provided should be useful in the consumer’s daily living, and the information for children and young adults needs to be provided as well. The consumer’s accessibility to information can be enhanced when a comprehensive agri-food information network is built. The format of information delivery needs to go beyond traditional text-rich descriptions. To grab more attention and interest of the public including children and young adults, audio/video and other forms of information need to be adopted as well.
A variety of widely used online media including blogs, Facebook and Tweeter, on top of websites need to be actively leveraged for consumer communications. Each organization needs to provide useful information such as policy and the helpful data for consumers to better understand government policies. Furthermore, to facilitate consumer communications and the exchange of opinion and information, the social media should be leveraged to engage consumers to express their views. To this end, various measures and contents development are needed, and the tools to make the most of the benefits of face-to-face and online communications should be introduced. The Contest for Policy Ideas needs to be held regularly, and the public opinions gathered from online media need to be managed more systematically by policy issue type.

Researchers: Hwang, Yun-Jae; Lee, Kyei-im and Ban, Hyun-Jung
E-mail address: yjhwang@krei.re.kr

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