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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

2012 Public Opinion Survey to Agriculture & Farm Village

2012.12.30 32443
  • Author
    Kim, Dongweon
  • Publication Date
  • Original

In [2012 Public Opinion Survey to Agriculture & Farm village] conducted by KREI in order to support the development of research demands and the establishment of policies, the trend which the opinions of farmers are changed into the positive in 'a living in farm village' and the negative in 'agriculture' has been shown.

Satisfaction of farm village conditions is continuously increased recently over years. Job satisfaction, however, declines for two consecutive years. In addition, the anxiety to the future has been expressed showing gloomy prospect to agricultural situation after 10 years reaches to two times of hopeful forecast.

9 of 10 citizens answer that agriculture is important in national economy and the government should protect the agriculture but in detailed indicator, the support rating to agriculture & farm village declines. The ratio to approve the function of public interest in agriculture & farm village and the will to pay additional tax are decreased, 6 of 10 citizens have the recognition that 'as the open-door is extended, consumers will have benefits', and the loyalties to purchase domestic produced agricultural products that 'even the price is high, our agricultural products should be bought' remained to 34.1% dropped recently over three years.

People evaluates that agricultural policy during five years of current government did good in 'production based policy' and 'returning to farm village policy' and did bad in 'the policy of agricultural products price stablization' and 'farmers' income stablization policy'. It is indicated that people considers the threatening elements of agriculture are 'expanding open-door' and 'aging of farm village households' and farmers consider 'extreme weather condition and the change of planting condition' as a big threat.

As for agricultural policy area which next government should focus the most, citizens answered as in order of agriculture, foods, and farm village, farmers as agriculture, farm village, and foods in order, and specialists as in order of farm village, agriculture, and foods. This has shown the difference in priority.

As for agricultural issues which next government should solve, 'aging and insufficient labors' are answered as first and 'the gap of income between citizens and farmers' and 'the improvement of distribution structure' are also answered as main tasks. As for the distribution of agricultural budget, citizens consider 'foods safety' as a priority but farmers 'self-sufficiency rate of food' and specialists 'global competitiveness of agriculture'.

5 of 10 citizens answered to have the will to return to farm village but 44.7% doesn't know the support policy. Therefore, more active promotion should be made. It is indicated that the gap in satisfactions of living environment and quality of life between citizens and farmers has been largely reduced.

In this survey before the launch of next government, it is recognized a variety of policy needs of farmers who are producers, citizens who are consumers, and specialists. We expect that such opinions would be reflected to the establishment of future visions and policies for agriculture and farm village and therefore, the effectiveness of these policies is to be raised.

Researchers: Dong-Weon Kim, Joon-Kee Park, Jong-yul Yun, Hye-Jin Park
E-mail address: dongweon@krei.re.kr

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