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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Retrospects and Prospects on the Structural Changes in Korea Agriculture: An Analysis on the Agricultural Census, 2000, 2005, 2010

2012.12.30 38771
  • Author
    Kim, Kyeongduk
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The main objective of this study is to provide fundamental data for related policies and researches and researchers through analysis and to forecast Korean agricultural structure using data sets of Korean agricultural census (1990, 1995 and 2000). Especially, the analysis of farm family member structure, farm labour structure, land use structure, agricultural production structure and farm management structure is a key focus in this study.
Korean agricultural census (survey of farm population) is to find a basic structure of the Korean agricultural including farm household, farm population cultivated area, crop harvested area livestock, farm machinery and so on. The type of farm family member and generation are considered in the analysis of farm family member structure. The structure of farm-household, number of farm family members, the farm manager's age will be analyzed.
Looking at the age structure of farm population in 2010, the Korea harm-household already belonged to the super aged society. Referring to this aging trend, it is predicted that the proportion of over 64 year-old farmers will be 45% by 2010. In results, the analysis of farm labour structure displays the decreasing trend of farm workers and the aging trend.
The study results show that 85 percents of over 50 years old (farm family members) were employed in agriculture and 90 percent of over 60 years old (farm family members) were employed in agriculture in 2010. And another results show that the number of agricultural workers was 1.95 persons (per household on average) among the full-time farm households and 2.16 persons among the part-time farm households. The farm households possessing farming successors accounted for 16.4 percent in 1990. Yet, the figure dropped to 11 percent in 2000. However, successors over 30 years old and women successors increased recently.
As for land use structure, the proportion of both the poor and large farm households increased remarkably. In other words, there was a clear distinction between the two groups. And cultivated land was concentrated among the large farm households.
That is, the agricultural resources such as cultivated land and livestock have been concentrated among the large farm households. Capital-intensive agriculture such as greenhouse horticulture and livestock have been increasingly dominated by the full-time farm households.
With these analytic results, we drew out several significant policy implications and suggested several policies for structural adjustments in the Korean agriculture. Agricultural structure-related policies should be differentiated according to the development types of farm households. To enhance the competitiveness of Korean agriculture and accelerate agricultural restructuring, policy measures should be prepared according to different development types of farm households. However, instead of forcing the measures, the government should propose a variety of programs and let farm households select what they like.

Researchers: Kyeong-Duk Kim, Jeongho Kim, Jongsun Kim
e-mail Address: kdkim@krei.re.kr

The Current Status of Korean Agriculture in the World
Strategy for Developing Horticulture and Special Crop Industry as New Growth Engine - Focusing on Horticulture Industry (1st yr of 2-yr project)