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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Structural Analyses and Development Strategies for Upstream Livestock Industries

2012.12.30 32683
  • Author
    Ji, Inbae
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
Since the beginning of the 2000s, the livestock industry has faced the need for paradigm shift from the existing quantitative growth to a sustainable qualitative growth, reflecting the changes in the domestic and international circumstances that include the market liberation by FTA, the rise in international grain prices, the outbreak of diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, the tightening of regulations on the livestock industry, and the increasing demand for safe livestock products. For sustainable qualitative growth of the livestock industry, it is essential to support the upstream livestock industries such as feed industry, animal drug industry, livestock equipment industry, and quarantine and pest control. Therefore, in this study, the current conditions, challenges, policies and the correlations of upstream livestock industries are analyzed focusing on animal feed, animal drugs and livestock equipment based on the plans to promote the development of upstream livestock industries.
Method of Research
In order to identify the economic impacts of the livestock sector on the national economy in general and the structural changes in the livestock industry and its related industries, an input-output analysis was conducted using the Ritz-Spaulding model with the past 20 years’ input-output tables.
Research Results and Implications
Meat and processed meat products, dairy products, animal feed, and agricultural machinery have showed high growth rates over the past 20 years. However those are low in comparison to the total industrial growth rate of the nation. Also, it is shown that the added-value ratios are lower than those of other industries. However, it appears that the livestock industry and its related industries have more effect on inducing production and employment in comparison to other industries, making a significant contribution to the national economy. They also have high linkage effect, implying that their development has positive effect on the growth of the entire economy.
It is expected that upstream livestock industries will contribute to the growth of the livestock industry and that of the national economy in general as a new growth engine that will drive out the livestock sector from current stagnation. In particular, upstream livestock industries are evaluated as being capable of sustaining growth with the expansion of domestic market and export market. Therefore, the substantiality of upstream livestock industries, including feed industry, animal drugs industry, livestock equipment and livestock construction industry, and quarantine and pest control industry, should be ensured, so that they can drive the qualitative growth of the livestock industry.
In order for upstream livestock industries to drive the qualitative growth of the livestock sector, the following are required. First of all, the current small-scale businesses should convert into competitive scaled-up businesses through industrial restructuring. Secondly, the investment in research and development needs to be expanded so as to improve the added values of the livestock industry and its upstream industries. Lastly, it is necessary to actively advance into the overseas market.

Researchers: In Bae Ji, Woo Jin Song, Jung Min Lee
Research Period: 2012. 1~2012. 12
E-mail address: jiinbae@krei.re.kr

Analysis of Grain Market and Establishment and Operation of World Grain Market Information System
Strategy in Response to Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Agricultural Sector: An Economic Effect Analysis of Domestic Measures Related to Korea-Chile FTA