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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Supporting Strategy for City People's Return to Rural Community

2012.12.30 31566
  • Author
    Park, Moonho
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Background of Research
There are concerns about the sustainability of rural areas because of aging and decrease of rural population. The phenomenon of city people's moving to rural areas can be an alternative way of maintaining rural society. As many people are returning to rural areas from urban areas, the need for customized measures to meet various needs of citizens undergoing various difficulties when they are moving to and settling in rural areas is also increasing. In addition to the government's policy plans, improvement of the support system that can induce the returning people to make self-help efforts through their organization is needed as well.

Method of Research
This study aims to suggest directions for returning to rural community from the perspective of vitalizing rural areas. Based on the results of previous studies and implications from a case study, this study presented the significance of returning to rural community for vitalizing rural areas.
There are several issues regarding the return to rural community, such as information supply system, education or training programs, securing income, searching for work in rural areas, and other supporting system or organizations. We proposed policy directions for returning to the farm by each stage of the return.

Research Results and Implications
First, establishment of a policy system is needed. We should improve the central and local governments' system of supporting organizations in the private sector. Standards and qualifications of people who return to the farm are also necessary. In the preparation stage, education for raising awareness about living in a rural area and one-stop information supply system are required. In the settlement stage, customized education programs and consulting in support of farming and living should be strengthened. Finding private-led public service projects and job creation through village corporations of "sixth industry" are also important for stable settlement. Lastly, cooperation with local residents is essential.

Researchers: Moon-Ho Park, Nae-Won Oh and Ji-Eun Lim
Research Period: 2012. 1~2012. 12
E-mail address: mhpark@krei.re.kr

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