Research Reports
Monitoring the Implementation of Rural Services Standard

AuthorKim, Kwangsun
Publication Date2011.12.30
RuralServicesStandard(hereafterreferredtoas‘RSS’) was institutionally introduced in 2010 and has been enforced from 2011 by the Government. RSS is the national minimum of public services for rural residents to be supplied with by public agencies by the end of the year 2014 to improve the quality of daily life in rural areas. To achieve its policy goal, we should monitor consistently the implementation of RSS of related government departments and local governments, and need to look to ways of improving public service provision policies. And this is the very purpose of this study.
To monitor the actual conditions of RSS implementation, first, we analysed various statistical data and ‘RSS Implementation Index’ related to public service provision in rural areas. Second, we reviewed the national and regional plans on improving the quality of rural life to find to what extent they included RSS as their program objectives. Third, we conducted an in-depth study of two local areas.
As a result of this study, we suggested some policy alternatives in operating RSS and improving related policies as follows.
First, some clauses of RSS should be amended to be more clarified in meaning or to reflect the real conditions of rural areas more exactly. Second, future plans and policies related to public service provision in rural areas should be made in consideration of RSS monitoring results. Third, more innovative ways to supply or deliver public services in rural areas should be sought in coordination between public and private agencies. Fourth, to operate RSS more efficiently and effectively, the organization in charge of operating RSS should be reinforced.
Researchers: Kwang-Sun Kim, Jong-Hyun Choi and Byeong-Seok Yoon.
Research Period: 2011.3~2011.12
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