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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

An Evaluation Report for 2011 International Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development

2011.12.30 19446
  • Author
    Lee, Daeseob
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The purpose of this study is to review and evaluate three selected 2011 international cooperation projects in agriculture and rural development that have been supported by the Korean Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The three projects are selected since they were supposed to be finalized by 2011. They are undertaken by private organizations such as Dongguk University, Gyeongsang National University, and Korea Institute for Rural Development. The evaluation methods include necessary document review, on-site interview with relevant organizations and recipients in the region, and self-assessment report review.
According to PDM(Project Design Matrix) logics, the 5 elements of DAC suggestions are used to evaluate the outputs, action plans, and its effectiveness. As a result, the projects evaluated contain a few problems such as lack of risk management skills for the entire projects and weak possibility of sustainability. In the meantime, positive impacts on the local communities have found, such as perception of self-reliance that would increase sustainability for the entire project, useful benefits of vocational programs, and highly effective invitational programs for the related people and regional leaders.

Researchers: Lee, Dae-Seob, Jang Heo, Hong Sang Kim, Seug Eun Jeong
Research period: 2011. 9. - 2010. 12.
E-mail address: daeseob@krei.re.kr

A Case Study on the Developed Agricultural Finance Systems
Strategies for Promoting Green Growth in Agriculture and Rural Districts (The 1/2th Report)