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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Study on the Countermeasures with changes of Conditions in Agricultural Water Management

2010.11.30 25438
  • Author
    Park, Seokdoo
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The key objectives of this study are to identify changes in agricultural water management conditions, agricultural water right plan, farmer's participation in agricultural water management.
In this study, we analyzed the followings. First, We examinate 5 conditions in agricultural water management changes. ① Changes in demand for agricultural water and enlargement of local water demand, ② Dispute over water use and conflict over water right, ③ Discussions of water right permit system and watershed management system, ④ OECD's policy recommendations, ⑤ farm labor shortage and senility in rural area.
Second, we suggest redesign of laws and Korea Rural Corporation's counterplans about the agricultural water right. Above all, we propose 6 matters to organize in redesigning laws for agricultural water right. ① relationships between customary water right or regional water right between appropriation.
in civil law, change procedures ② relations or adjustment with customary river, national river, regional river, small river ③ relationships between with water right of riparian and appropriation in civil law, modifying bounds of the water right of riparian ④ amendment relate regulations of mediation of water right disputes ⑤ modifying water right regulations related the special law as the right of using dams ⑥ new regulations on water right's subject, character, bound, limit, extinguishment etc. Also, we propose Korea Rural corporation's counterplans such as ① removing negative perception of the water right of appropriation ② categorization and positon of the agricultural irrigation facilities and research on the water right of appropriation ③ developing the remodeling and repairing the irrigation facilities to measure quantities of water intake and use ④ reorganizing systems and developing capability to the enforcement of the water right systems of appropriation.
Third, we present agricultural water pricing for farmers as followings. ① the government subsidy for the irrigation maintenance costs is not kinds of farm subsidies, it is just raising funds equivalent to the maintenance costs of national facilities such as facilities and main water way etc. Therefore, if maintenance cost prices is increase, the government subsidy for the irrigation maintenance costs has to go up too. ② it is nation's responsibility to do operate and manage for facilities and main water way and is farmers' responsibility to do that for the below second wate way. It is needed to establish range of the responsibility for the government subsidy. Among the income of irrigation facilities, actually KRC's own financing was inherited from IAs own assets accounts, so it is relevant to farmer's own property. Therefore, finances from disposal of KRC's asset and operation and management income are in effect equivalent to farmers' water use charges. In other words, until now farmers have been paying 53% of management costs of irrigation facilities and the government subsidy has been covering the rest 47% up. We also suggest two alternatives about farmer's mandatory labour contributions for the operation and management of irrigation facilities. ① The separated operation and management systems of irrigation facilities should integrate with KRC‘s only, and unified KRC has to manage facilities and main water way. It it needed to promote farming organizations like a social enterprise that manage the bottom water lines. ② devising a plan to extend the remodeling and repairing projects of the irrigation facilities to reduce expenses of the operation and management such as changing old-established earthwork water way to structures and pipe-lined water-way.

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Mid- to Long-term Approach to the International Agricultural Development and Cooperation Projects