Research Reports
A Study on the Evaluation and New Direction of Agricultural Structure Policies

AuthorPark, Seokdoo
Publication Date2011.11.30
This study seeks to find a new direction of agricultural structure policies focused on rice farming structure. Specific focuses of this study are as the followings. First, a necessity of directional transition of the current agricultural structure policies is reviewed. Second, a feasibility of the new direction of the agricultural structure policies is considered. Last, a new direction and institutional instruments of the agricultural structure policies are provided.
I reviewed a necessity of directional transition of the current agricultural structure policies through three perspectives. First, the current agricultural structure policies encourage each farmer to increase acreages leading to high productivities of inputs(labor and land), a growth of large-size farms(more than 3 ha), and a spread of mechanization-usage in farming. However, it did not accomplish fundamental policy goals. An increase of farming scale of individual farmers does not necessarily conclude an increase of overall farming scale. Issues with respect to an insecurity of farming successor and an inefficient application of inputs such as labors, machines, and land are another problems. An effort to increase income accrued in non-agriculture and by-work is more efficient than an increase of agricultural income through an expansion of farming size. Second, a development of foreign agricultural structure policies shows a transition from farming-size increase of family farmers to juridical organization of farmers. It also shows a political transition from agricultural productivity increase to multi-functionalities of agriculture regarding to regions, resources, environments, and food safeties. Third, based on a change of the current domestic and foreign agricultural situation, there are several issues to be clarified. The issues include (1) re-organization of agricultural production infrastructure to achieve food security, (2) an income security of crop and livestock feed farming, (3) an organization of region-unit farming business to aim an enhancement of both price and quality competitiveness, (4) an usage-extension of eco-friendly agriculture and new recycled energy supporting a prevention of natural disaster, (5) a support for an entry to agriculture and an agricultural corporation business facing with both an reduction of young labor and an increase of aged labor in rural areas, and (6) a complication and a multiplication of agribusiness to achieve a security of rice farmers income.
Next, I performed a case-study of organization-businesses of rural communities of Korea, Japan, and China in order to find feasibilities of a new direction of agricultural structure policies. Organization-businesses of rural communities at regional level cannot replace family farms, but they complement family farms. Furthermore, they are effective with respect to a group work, a group-wise usage of agricultural machines and facilities, a group-wise marketing, and an extension of a farming scale.
Last, I proposed a new direction of the agricultural structure policies as the followings: (1) a transition into an institutionalization and organization of farm households from policies focused on an increase of an individual farm-size, (2) an increase of organization-businesses of rural communities at regional level, (3) a conversion from an enlargement of agricultural income by a large farm-size into a focus on non-agricultural income increase by an accomplishment of a complex and multiple agricultural business.
Researchers: Seok-Doo Park, Jeong-Ho Kim, Chang-Ho Kim
Research Period: 2011.1~2011.10
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