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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Policy Direction of Fostering Rural Social Enterprises Based on Their Typology

2011.11.30 30813
  • Author
    Kim, Kwangsun
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Recently, developing social enterprises is considered as the third way to vitalize depressed rural areas instead of government policy and market mechanism. But we have just a few ideas of the actual condition and the potential roles of rural social enterprises. As we lack proper information on their traits and policy demands, we don't have much ideas of what to do and how to do for supporting them. The very purpose of this study is to answer such an academic and policy question.
We carried out a typological analysis through a survey targeting social enterprises in rural areas. Rural Social Enterprise Typology helps us to deepen our understanding of the various characteristics of rural social enterprises and the differences among them. To top it off, the typology has a decisive role on setting up suitable assistance policies for rural social enterprises based on systematic knowledge on them.
We found 6 main types of rural social enterprises from the analysis of the results of the survey. And on the basis of the results from the typological analysis, we suggested some policy directions to foster rural social enterprises as follows.
Firstly, each rural regions should find suitable types of social enterprises for rural revitalization and endogenous development considering the conditions of each regions.
Secondly, the certification system of social enterprises must be amended to include a variety of types of rural social enterprises for policy assistances.
Thirdly, various social values inherent in rural areas should be found and industrialized to foster localized rural social enterprises.
Fourthly, policy assistances must be diversified based on the typological analysis to properly consider the various traits and policy demands of rural social enterprises.
Lastly, to foster rural social enterprises, localization of their business systems should be achieved through establishing localized social economy.

Researchers: Kwang-Sun Kim
Research Period: 2011.1~2011.10
E-mail Address: yeskskim@krei.re.kr

The Evaluation of Business Models and Betterment Alternatives
Fostering Social Enterprises for Rural Vitalization and Job Creation