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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Trend of Clean Energy Industry and the Prospect of its Expandability to Agricultural Sector

2011.11.30 48924
  • Author
    Park, Kihwan
  • Publication Date
  • Original

Our country has very little natural energy resources and has very high energy reliability of over 95% of the 1st energy on import compared to major advanced countries, and therefore we have no way but to show sensitive reaction to the impact of the increase in oil price. Nevertheless, the usage rate of new renewable energy is more or less 2% and its supply rate to agricultural sector is also very insignificant. In this regard, this research was carried out with the purpose of reviewing the trend of clean energy industry and support system for clean energy and deriving more efficient way of the expansion of clean energy supply to agricultural sector by diagnosing the status of substitution and the expandability of clean energy in agricultural sector and putting it into perspective.
Even though our country accomplished considerable level of quantitative increase in the number of manufacturers for new renewable energy, it was evaluated that the technology level of new renewable energy by facility manufacturing process was below the level of advanced countries while the localization rate for new renewable energy was estimated to be not more than average 54.9%. Under the trend of the expansion of new renewable energy, the supply rate of whole new renewable energy stands at considerably low level of 2.5%, insignificantly low level of 3.2% only of which is taken by agricultural and fisheries sectors. Despite such low level, the proportion of the supply of new renewable energy in agricultural sector in the future is anticipated to increase by 22.9% in 2015 and by 40.3% in 2020 from the level of 2010.
As significant increase in the use of new renewable energy in the future not only in whole country but also in agricultural sector, it is necessary to prepare an efficiency plan for its realization. As a concrete plan, we need to take the following actions. First, the expansion of government's subsidy for the supply of new renewable energy should be implemented. Currently government inputs national finance for the reduction of farmers' management cost burden due to the increase in oil price and the agricultural material prices and the enhancement of efficiency for the use of energy. Farmers need to share the burden for the installation of new renewable energy facilities which requires significant initial investment cost but realistically there are not many farmers who can afford to share the burden and therefore it will be necessary to expand government's subsidy.
Second, continuous enhancement of new renewable energy related technology is required. Especially, the most urgent task to solve is the technology for facility manufacturing and subsequently system design technology, post management technology and installation and construction technology should follow in order. As the differences in importance for these technologies are not significant, efforts for the enhancement of overall technologies should be preceded to accomplish the synergy effect from the expansion of the supply of new renewable energy in agricultural sector.
Third, it is necessary to convert farmers' perception on new renewable energy. As farmers' will for the use of new renewable energy can be intensified also through site tour for already introduced facilities, it will be important to organize various events or presentation sessions in linkage with government's publicity activities so that farmers can see and check the facilities installed already.
Fourth, self-improvement efforts of new renewable energy related companies should follow to decrease the installation costs. One of the efforts is the introduction of automation facilities, the enhancement of management efficiency for the companies and the enhancement of localization rate for parts and materials.
As the supply of new renewable energy to agricultural sector can be further expanded through efficient implementation of diversified action plans as such, it is anticipated to significantly contribute not only to the reduction of farmers' management cost but also to the preservation of future environment.

Researchers: Park, Ki-hwan and Lee, Woong-Yeon
E-mail address: kihwan@krei.re.kr

A Study on the Type of Clean Energy Utilized in Agricultural Sector
Prospect of Production and Utilization of Energy in the Rural Sector and Strategies for Introducing Clean Energy Farming System