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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

Social Adaptation of Rural Multi-Cultural Families and Policy Tasks

2011.11.30 46013
  • Author
    Park, Daeshik
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The purposes of this study are 1) to investigate the current situation and problems of rural multi-cultural families multi-dimensionally centering on social adaptation, 2) to investigate the influence of related variables on social adaptation of rural multi-cultural families, 3) to identify the current conditions and problems of related policies, and 4) to suggest policy tasks to improve the social adaptation level of rural multi-cultural families.
The research methods were the field survey, mail survey, in-depth interview, collection and analysis of existing data, and so on. The field survey was conducted among 400 rural multi-cultural families. The Mail survey was conducted among 809 farmers. The in-depth interview was conducted among 15 rural multi-cultural families. Existing related data were collected by searching the data of related research institutes and governmental organizations. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, means and F-test tables were used to organize and summarize the data. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the influence of related variables on social adaptation of rural multi-cultural families.
According to the field survey, most of the female respondents answered that they were participating in farming or fishing. Only a small percentage of the female respondents answered that they were participating non-farm economic activities. 54.8 percent of rural multi-cultural families had the annual household income of 20 million won or less.
Major short-term policy tasks to improve the social adaptation level of rural multi-cultural families are as follows: 1) improvement of agricultural education for married immigrant women, 2) improvement of Korean education and reinforcement of after-school assistance, and 3) construction assistance of agricultural foundation.
Major mid and long-term policy tasks to improve the social adaptation level of rural multi-cultural families are as follows: 1) improvement of rural multi-cultural family related service delivery system, 2) activation of social enterprises networks and fostering middle assistance organizations, 3) support of agribusiness and related activities, and 4) improvement of social welfare system and expansion of social welfare services.

Researchers: Dae-Shik Park, Sang-Jin Ma, In-Hye Kwon
Research Period : 2011. 1~2011. 11
E-mail Address: pds8382@krei.re.kr

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