Research Reports
Issue analysis of direct payment programs on farm income stability and latest trend of income stability programs of advanced countries

AuthorKim, Taegon
Publication Date2011.12.30
In the wake of frequent occurrences of the extreme weather change due to the global warming and expansion of the marking opening thanks to WTO/FTA, the risk of agriculture management is increasing, including rapid changes of crops in terms of pricing and quantities. Research is necessary to introduce farm income stability direct programs based on restructuring details of the direct payment related to latest income stability in which relieves the effects of market opening and the problems of surplus rice while ensuring management stability of farms for the promotion of sustainable development of agriculture and improve food self-sufficiency.
Key research details are the implications and latest trend of direct payment of advanced countries, evaluation of the direct payment program on rice income, the relationship between the direct payment on income stability and other direct payment programs, as well as issue analysis of direct payment programs on farm income stability.
In the main issues of the direct payment program on farm income stability, ① the larger the farm scale with management risks of the direct payment on income stability, it is more likely to have higher preference. However, there are difficulties to rule out specific farms from direct payment programs. It is recommended to set up an extent area, while targeting farms with sales performance. ② Matters to be consider for target items: The main income source of farms (the output), changes in prices and production, regional concentration and effects of main production areas, contribution to the improvement of food self-sufficiency, products expected to be damaged due to FTA, related policies (food security, etc.), effectiveness of direct payment programs (including administrative costs). ③ Based income preservation standard, there are pricing, quantities, sales revenue, and income, which are the indicators to identify management risks. Of these, appropriate indicators for the direct payment program on income stability are pricing, quantities, sales revenue, and income. ④ The exercise standard for variable direct payments of the direct payment program on rice income is 100%, while the income preservation standard is 85%. On the other hand, the exercise standard for direct payment of FTA damage preservation is 85%, while the income preservation standard is 90%. Whilst items for the direct payment programs on rice income, FTA damage preservation, and income stability are different, implementation purpose is similar. Therefore, it is important that programs are easy to exercise and have a unity of the preservation standard. ⑤ The direct payment on income stability in the implementation principle and promotion systems requires plant area statistics for target items by farm. It is advisable to set up National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service, which performs registration of agriculture management information, as the implementation principle, and establish a cooperative system with local governments.
The study suggests a restructuring direction on various direct payment programs that are currently implemented in Korea. The study aims to analyze and organize expected key issues and detailed introduction plans into several scenarios, which regard to the direct program on farm income stability under review for introduction henceforth in order to promote the policy effects of direct payment programs as well as their early settlement.
Researchers: Tae-Gon Kim, Gwang-Seok Chae and Joo-Nyung Heo
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