Research Reports
A Study on the Agenda for 2010 Agricultural related meetings in OECD

AuthorSong, Jooho
Publication Date2010.12.31
OECD Committee for Agriculture (CoAg) and the subsidiary bodies(Agri-cultural Policy and Markets Working parties, Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade, Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Environment) held meetings regularly at least 9 times a year. Committee for Agriculture, JWPAT and JWPAE meet twice a year respectively and APM three times. This study analyzes the issues discussed at the sessions of 154th and 155th of Coag, 51st and 52nd sessions of APM, 63rd and 64th session of JWPAT, 30th and 31st session of JWPAE held in 2010.
In 2010, Agricultural Ministerial Meeting was held in OECD to identify the issues for next 20 years and agreed that food security, trade and climate changes needs special consideration for the sustainable agriculture. The last Ministerial Meeting was held in 1988.
At the 154th and 155th OECD Committee for Agriculture, discussions were held on the main agendas of 2010-2012 Program of Work and Budget. Global relation strategy to enlarge the engagement with non-members in the future were discussed. Committee discussed how toreallocate the work between APM and JWPAT but could not reach an agreement.
APM agendas cover very broad ranges including outlook, PSE, risk management, food value chain, price volatility, policy evaluation of member countries, agriculture and development etc.
JWPAT held twice and each meeting was one day session due to the long stalled Doha negotiation. Economic analysis of Non-tariff measures, Trade pattern of processed food, Regional Free Trade Agreement were the main issues discussed in 2010.
JWPAT covers environment related agricultural policies including water quality, climate changes, green growth strategy, etc. It also monitors the recent environment related agricultural policy development in member countries selectively.
Each agenda discussed at the OECD is leading the global policy issues in agriculture and could be applied in the policy field usefully. Therefore, more efforts should be made to disseminate the results of the declassified OECD papers to policy makers and researchers in domestic.
Researchers: SONG, Joo-Ho, Chang-gil Kim, Ho-guen Chung, Han-pil Moon, Dae-hum Kwon, Kyu-Dam Cho, Woo-rim Cho
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