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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Study on Policy Integration Relating to Agriculture and Rural Development for Green Growth

2010.10.01 31372
  • Author
    Lee, Myeongki
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The goal of 'green growth' is to achieve economic growth in harmony with the environment. To achieve this goal, we need to carry out traditionally important agriculture and rural development policies in close alignment with environment and energy policies which have gained much importance recently.
We define policy integration related to agriculture and rural development for green growth as making the goal of green growth melt into the whole spectrum of policies relating to agriculture and rural development. The purpose of this research is to present a policy direction and means for integrating agriculture and rural development policies with policies on the environment and energy in order to attain the higher goal of green growth.
We present concrete measures to integrate policies relating to agriculture and rural development for green growth by policy integration means. First, it is essential that the government sets a general direction and policy goals that would take into account economy in harmony and balance with the environment. In the concept of green growth, both economic growth that pursues efficiency through the market and preservation of resources and the environment must be considered equally as much as possible. To take into consideration the concept of green growth, the general direction of agricultural policy stipulated in the basic law on agriculture, fishery, rural areas, and food industry needs to be changed. Also, a provision needs to be added to the general direction with an idea that energy should be produced and utilized in such a way that it is not only economically efficient but it can also reduce environmental load and contribute to the recycling of resources as much as possible from environmental viewpoint.
Second, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries constructed a policy promotion system for green growth. But reorganization is necessary to achieve policy integration effectively. The idea of establishing a new ministry department that will be exclusively responsible for energy and environment policies relating to agriculture and rural development should be examined. 'Green Growth Conference' needs to be reorganized to 'Green Growth Committee (provisional name)' which will be comprised of specialized units by field. The committee should play the role of finding and evaluating policies and investigating the budget for green growth. Also, the government needs to benchmark the environmental policy and the ISO 14001 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan and construct an environment management system that can contribute to preservation of the environment when conducting such projects. The support of the social whole is necessary for policy integration. Consequently, it is necessary to strengthen strategic knowledge management and communication among the government, experts, and the public.
Third, there is a necessity to strengthen the connectedness between the program budget system and the public finance performance management system. To this end, policy integration should be carried out in such a way that the classification of policies and projects of the budget system corresponds well with that of the performance management system. Meantime, there is a need to push forward policies and secure a budget by establishing mid and long-term plans such as a basic plan for sustainable use and management of agricultural and rural resources and the environment and a basic plan on energy for agriculture and rural development.
Fourth, it is necessary to adopt a green growth impact assessment system for evaluation of individual green growth policies before and after policy implementation and facilitate appropriate feedback for adjustment of policy and budget.

Researchers: Lee, Myoungki; Jang, Jeong-Kyung
Research period: 2010.1~2010.12
E-mail address: mklee@krei.re.kr

Food Security and Establishment of Distribution System of Overseas Agriculture
Directions and measures for Green Growth in rural Korea