Research Reports
Export Promotion Policy for Traditional Wine

AuthorEor, Myongkeun
Publication Date2010.10.01
This research is about increasing Korean traditional wine export to foreign market. The main purpose of this research is to support export policy of traditional wine. To meet the end, the study mainly focuses on general export policies and institutional improvement. This research deals with main export markets for traditional wine.
This report describes a current condition of traditional wine export market, and points out its important characteristics and inherent problems. Also analyzes the competitiveness of traditional wine in important export markets. In this research, foreign consumers’ preferences toward traditional wine is surveyed. The survey results are utilized to derive necessary policies and its future directions to increase export markets.
This research categorizes traditional wine export system into five different stages and suggests policy recommendations to increase export to foreign markets on each stage. Firstly, in the production stage, it is difficult to secure the sufficient quantities and proper qualities. Not enough room for price negotiation is also a problem. To solve the problems, organizing farm to scale and government’s expenditure on R&D investment is necessary. In the commercializing stage, poor conditioned facilities and inadequate adoption of buyers’ requirements cause problems. These can be solved by providing new facilities to improve products' qualities with fostering export-specialized farms.
In the export logistics stage, a lack of cold-chain system and an inefficient logistics system cause decreasing quality and increasing managerial cost problems. Also governmental export logistic subsidies cause an unnecessary side effect. Providing a proper logistic system with a new subsidy scheme is strongly recommended to enhance efficiency.
In the stage of distribution in the importing countries, excessive price competitions between exporting companies cause several drawbacks such as damaging the image and price war. The government has to monitor exporting companies effectively to secure an existing market with proper policies. Finally, foreign consumers’ lack of brand awareness has to be changed. Currently, the main target customer of exporting traditional wine is overseas Korean. Supports on participating overseas food exhibitions and brand promotions, and entering local large-scale retailers are strongly recommended.
Researchers : Myong-Keun Eor, Dae Hee Chung, Ji Yong Lee
Research period : Jan. 2010 ~ Dec. 2010
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