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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

A Study on Operation Scheme of Rural Services Standard and Construction of Rural Statistics

2010.12.01 23822
  • Author
    Kim, Kwangsun
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The government recently introduced Rural Services Standard(hereinafter 'RSS') as a new institution to improve quality of life in rural Korea. It is the purpose of this study that is to make practical operation scheme of RSS as a follow-up to its institutionalization. And it is another purpose to construct the foundation of rural statistics as a means to monitor and evaluate fulfillment of RSS, and an infrastructure of rural policies.
To achieve these purposes, we put into operation various surveys and analyses. As a result, we proposed five schemes for the operation of RSS as follows.
Firstly, it is needed to establish a responsible organization under the Commission of Quality of Life and an operation system among the main bodies concerned for the operation of RSS. Especially, it is of very importance to commission a specialistic research institute to monitor and evaluate periodically the fulfillment of RSS.
Secondly, the government should inform the governmental departments and local governments of the importance of the new institution, RSS. The government also need to design and diffuse a fulfillment guideline of RSS.
Thirdly, a separate budget for the operation of RSS should be allocated from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. The budget can be used as incentive for the local governments which fulfill RSS best, and as contribution to the research institute mentioned above.
The fourth, to increase the effectiveness of the operation of RSS, it should be linked up with related rural policies. For example, policies for Rural Proofing, Rural Social Enterprises, Quality of Life, and so forth can be included in such rural policies.
Fourthly, to construct the foundation of rural statistics, various data must be collected on the scale of individual local areas(sis and guns). Then the rural statistics can be used to review and diagnose the conditions of rural areas, and to offer the government rural policy directions. The usage forms of the rural statistics include Regional Development Index, Creative Index of Local Areas, Index of Quality of Life etc.

Researchers: Kwang-Sun Kim, Mi-Ryung Song, Yong-Lyoul Kim, In-Hye Kwon and Byung-Seok Yoon.
Research Period: 2010.5~2010.12
E-mail Address: yeskskim@krei.re.kr

A Study on Development of Korea Agricultural Outlook Model, KREI-KASMO 2010
The New Department Establishment Validity in Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries