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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

The New Department Establishment Validity in Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries

2010.12.01 33362
  • Author
    Choi, Kyeonghwan
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The purpose of this study was to explore the validity of new educational department establishment in Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries(KNCAF). For the purpose, this study used literature review, interview, survey, scenario analysis and expert panel. This study reviewed literatures related to the history and statistics of KNCAF; current status of agriculture & fishery education institutes in Korea including secondary vocational high schools, vocational colleges, and universities; and previous studies on KNCAF revision. This study interviewed KNCAF alumni farmers, field agricultural agencies, and agricultureal education experts to investigate the needs for education of KNCAF, and carried out a survey of all KNCAF faculties Scenario analysis was employed to examine newly needed departments' future scenarios in terms of workforce needs, students supply, related policy supports, and the competitiveness of KNCAF, and to judge validation on establishment of departments needed. This study also received lots of viewpoints and alternative measures for the study from expert panel.
As results, this study suggested the basic orientation of department operation; the establishment plan of new department including forestry, coastal fishing, horse industry, and traditional liquors; and mid- and long-term plans to operate a new educational scheme. For the sustainable role playing in agriculture and fishery sector, KNCAF should become more flexible and agile for various needs from outside, and should keep KNCAF's identity which was set at the inception of the foundation. According to the orientation, this study proposed the establishment of the forestry department and the coastal fishing department, and the expansion of new subjects related to horse industry and traditional liquors. Mid-and long-term plans included change from the department system to the division system; modification of current discipline- based subject to competency-based module; shift from the semester system to the quarter system; and the installation of teaching and learning center to assist those new educational scheme systematically.

Researchers: Choi Kyeong-Hwan, Ma Sang-Jin, Kim Kangho
Research period: 2010. 8. - 2010. 12.
E-mail address: kyeong@krei.re.kr, msj@krei.re.kr, kimkh7@krei.re.kr

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