Research Reports
Mid/long-term Development Strategies of Food Industry to Create New Agricultural & Fishery Added Values (Year 2 of 5)

AuthorChoi, Jihyeon
Publication Date2010.10.01
This research has been performed for the purpose of providing basic data necessary for future researches on food industry and the development of relevant policies by deriving the present problems of food industry and front and rear connected industry and presenting the strategy for the development in order to realize high added value of agriculture as a long-term task which is to be carried out for 5 years. In the 2nd year of the research, correlations between the components of food system such as production, processing, distribution and consumption were analyzed by major processing industry sector and pertinent development strategies were presented. Bean processing, rice processing, fruit processing and ginseng/medicinal herbs processing industries were selected as the object industries for the 2nd year research considering the domestic demand and supply situation of agricultural products.
The result of the analysis showed that the market for bean curd, soy sauce, bean paste, red pepper paste, rice processed products, fruit processed products and ginseng/medicinal herbs processed products which are the objects of the research had the industrial structure of small scales in common and therefore the degree of market concentration was generally high except that for rice processed products thus clearly indicating the polarization of industries.
As the added values of these processing industries in the agricultural sector are increasing relatively faster as compared to the average of food manufacturing industry and the rates of their added values were higher than the average of food manufacturing industry, it is judged that possibility of future development is existing to some extent. In fact the market for these processed products is currently showing the trend of stagnation or little increase but based on the result of consumer survey it was analyzed that there is significant possibility of market expansion with health oriented functional well-being processed products. Labor productivity of the industries concerned, however, was analyzed to be relatively lower compared to that of other manufacturing industries, and therefore the enhancement of added value through the expansion of investment on R&D seems to be an important task.
The result of analysis on the behavior of raw material procurement in the industries in agricultural processing sector, which are the objects of research, showed that the ratio of raw material procurement through contract cultivation was less than 20% and therefore the procurement of raw materials through contract cultivation was not activated. This implies that in the future systematic linkage of buyers and producers will be necessary. From the position of buyers, they prefer domestic raw materials as they are superior in quality and stability whereas high prices of raw materials are the constraints for the expansion of use. The result of consumers' evaluation on major agricultural processed products showed that the preference toward the processed products such as bean curd, soy sauce, bean paste, red pepper paste, domestic rice processed products and ginseng products which used domestic raw materials were higher compared to the imported raw materials.
Based on the prospects of industry by major product market, it is anticipated that there will be no significant growth in the markets for bean curd, soy sauce, bean paste and red pepper paste but growth is promising for the well-being products which coincide with consumers' needs. In the case of rice processed products, the possibility of market expansion is significant centering around rice noodle and rice bread depending on the development of products with the quality that can satisfy consumers' demand at appropriate price level. In the case of fruit juice, the growth of the market for favorite health drinks such as fresh fruit juice instead of fruit concentrates is expected in the future. Ginseng and medicinal herb processed products are expected to grow with high growth rate of annual average of 5% or so.
The problems which major research object processing industries in agricultural sector are facing are summarized to be stable securing of raw materials, scientific quality management, development of diversified products and insufficient R&D, and small scale of businesses in industries. In order to overcome the present problems of processing industries in agricultural sector and to further develop the industries, the base for stable use of domestic raw materials should be established first and also R&D investment should be expanded for the development of new products. And the circumstances for the promotion of consumption should be created, which can be accomplished through aggressive publicity of nutritional superiority and health functionality of the foods concerned as well as sustained scientific quality management for raw materials and processed products. In order to improve the quality of processed foods, the development of the raw materials which have outstanding adaptability for processing and scientific quality management for the processed products are important. Besides, scientific quality management from the aspects of sanitation and safety is urgently needed for domestic supply as well as for the expansion of export. Lastly the improvement of labeling system or plan for policy based system improvement should be prepared for the industrial development.
The implications that acquired through this research were that the quality competitiveness of domestic raw materials is existing but continuous efforts for the reduction of raw material prices should be made systematically from breed development stage to processing and distribution stages in order for the buyers to be able to use domestic raw materials continuously. And also for stable supply of quantity required and systematic raw material quality management, the creation of the producers organization and producing complex are also important tasks.
Government needs to implement the labeling system and the improvement of tax structure which are present issues of buyers within short time frame reflecting them to government projects. Recently government is establishing the 2nd Stage General Food Industry Measures and the researchers expect that the detailed implementation strategies presented in this research is reflected and implemented as appropriate.
Researchers: Ji-Hyeon Choi, Chang-Gon Jeon, Kyei-Im Lee,
Yong-Sun Lee, Seung-Yong Gouk, Jae-Hwan Han,
Dong-hoon Kim, So-hyun Cho, Sun-lyung Lee
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