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Research Reports

KREI publishes reports through medium- and long-term research related to agricultural and rural policies, and through studies in various fields to promptly respond to current issues.

How to Facilitate the Utilization of Closed Rural Schools

2010.09.01 65167
  • Author
    Ma, Sangjin
  • Publication Date
  • Original

The purpose of this study was to explore the measures to utilize closed rural schools. For the purpose, the study investigated the current status of closed rural schools, reviewed government policies, conducted a case study of eight rural areas having closed schools, surveyed eight hundred eighty rural residents (KREI correspondents) and interviewed related experts.
Based on literature review, case study, and survey, this study suggests several measures to facilitate the utilization of closed rural schools as well as basic orientation. Utilization of closed rural schools should be oriented toward keeping original social and cultural status which the old schools had; and be based on the interest and capacity building of main stakeholders including central government, local governments, provincial office of education, and rural residents of closed school areas. The specific measures to facilitate the utilization of closed rural schools include ① setting up closed rural school utilization system in basic local government, ② enhancing the relationship between basic local government and provincial office of education for utilizing closed schools, ③ building capacity of residents in closed rural school area, ④ linking closed rural schools with interested aliens, ⑤ networking between scholars, local governments, NGOs, and business interested in closed rural school, and ⑥ modifying related legislations to protect the residents' right related with utilizing closed rural schools.

Researchers: Ma, Sang-jin
Research period: 2010. 6. - 2010. 9.
E-mail address: msj@krei.re.kr

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